1...Back view of Gem
2...Collar Necked Dove .... waiting to be fed
3...Front view...................Glad the snow covers the fact the lawns need mowing
From our house to your house I Hope 2006 be a wonderful year for you all
1...Back view of Gem
2...Collar Necked Dove .... waiting to be fed
3...Front view...................Glad the snow covers the fact the lawns need mowing
From our house to your house I Hope 2006 be a wonderful year for you all
Tomorrow would have been my Wedding anniversay - Dick and I spent many happy years together
the last 12 years of his life were very hard for him, He was a strong man and other than having
Mumps when he was 44 years old he never had an illness. never took time of work.
When he had his first heart attack he had been working in the garden - Lyn happened to glance
out of the window and saw her Dad holding his chest and not looking too well. She ran up the
garden to see what the matter was...he said he was OK, but she knew he was far from that, and
said she was going to telephone me at work - he insisted she didn't - but she did anyway. I told
her to ring the Doctor and I would be home shortly.
I raced home, and by the time I arrived the Doctor was there, he confirmed that Dick had a heart
attack and was going to ring for an Ambulance take him to the hospital....and that he was
to keep lying down until it arrived....well he didn't and when the ambulance arrived he answered the
door, he was well Suntanned and looked extremely well, they asked him where the patient was,
Dick told them he was the patient, they insisted that he lie down in the ambulance as they would
get wrong if anything should happen to him. on the way - he went to the Hospital against his will I
might add, and was kept in for about 10 days,
His second heart attack was about 2 years later, he was planning a surprise birthday party for me,
but as he was taken back into hospital this never took place.... While in hospital he suffered a
Stroke....he was not paralyzed, but it did effect his brain and speech, he could not speak and when
he tried to the words would come out all jumbled and not as he intended them to. it took months
of speech therapy and all of his will to overcome this....which to some degree he did....It did effect
his hearing
funnily enough he could always understand what I said to him.
We go ahead a couple of more years, Dick picked me up from work and said he had not been
feeling well all day... during that evening he was taken bad and collapsed in the bedroom - he was
trying to get up off the floor and pushing very hard to do so, I tried to help him but being very
small I was of little help.
..I phoned the Doctor who advised me to call an ambulance which I did - I rang Lyn to let her know
what was happening - she said she would meet me at the hospital....I waited and waited for
the ambulance to arrive half an hour passed then nearly an hour - Lyn called and wanted to know
what was happening.I explained the ambulance had not arrived.... she contacted our Doctor ...who
then ordered an Ambulance - it arrived quite soon after that....the paramedics had quite a job to get
Dick onto a stretcher...because by then he was barely conscious,
When we arrived at the hospital they did lots of tests, and admitted him onto a ward....
When we visited the next morning the Doctor asked us questions, and he said they understood
Dick had been abroad, I told them he couldn't hear very well and he had actually been on the
Norfolk Broads Not Abroad...
..The Doctor was surprised as Dick had contacted Legionnaire's desease - and this for most people
is fatal
.....He was in intensive care for about a week - and thankfully got better against all the odds...and
came out of hospital after about three weeks.
I remember sitting having breakfast with him one morning and remarked how well he had been for
about a couple of months....when I glanced at his arms - they were covered in big red marks he had
got shingles.
Time went on and we got on with life as best we could, Dick coped very well with his disabilities,
and always enjoyed the visits of our grandchildren and Great grandchildren. who he loved dearly.
He was having a bit of trouble with pain in his knees, and on a visit to the hospital they said they
would do a small operation on both knees to help with the pain - He was booked to go into hospital
just before Christmas, but this was cancelled at the last moment and deferred until early February...
Christmas came and went and February arrived ,,,Dick went into hospital....the operation went
well, But he caught a bug and was put into isolation, he was very ill and later transfered to Critical
he then caught another bug, and was put on life support....It was up and down - some days we
we were told he was improving ....the next he was getting worse...then holding his own...., this went
on for a month - one day when Lyn and I went
into see him he pulled me towards him and gave me a huge big kiss then he did the same to Lyn....
Later on we were called into see the Doctor who told us there was nothing more they could do as
all of Dicks organs were shutting down.
..How do you say goodbye to someone you loved so dearly...and I never imagined us not being is an impossibility......One I have yet to come to terms with..
He had lapsed into a coma.....
He didn't regain consciousness and died March 3rd 2003
The year before Lyn's husband Richard died in April from a massive heart attack - they told us it was so quick
he would not have felt a thing he was a big strong man - A farmer who worked all hours that God sent him.
Lyn and I decided she to sell her cottage on the farm and me to sell my bungalow - we put
the money together and bought the Bungalow we live in today. It is a Big place with 5 bedrooms - but we both felt we needed our own space and needed a new beginning......
1st Picture - our Lane
2nd My poor little frozen car.... if I talk to her nicely I hope she will start first time.
I expect most of us woke up to this view this morning...and it is still snowing quite heavily and it is now 14.50 hours... if it keeps like this we will need a tractor to get out of the lane...
The opening on the left is the driveway to our property - if you look closely you can see the name plate "Gem" ...and the Big Red letter box that no one seems to notice, because they trunch up the driveway to post letters through the door
Which drives poor Barney crazy.....Who takes guarding his property very seriously .....and he won't rest until all strangers are well away from the house....
Well it's nearly time to put Father Christmas away until next year....the 12 days of Christmas will soon be gone then we can look forward to celebrating the New Year..
The children have opened all their Christmas Presents and most of the food has been eaten.
Don't know if we will be going out for a Christmas meal again, The Hotel was lovely, and the staff were very pleasant.
We ordered Beef for the main coarse when it was brought to the table Yorkshire puddings and roast potatos were already on the plate .
- in the middle of the plate were 4 thick slices of beef, I looked at Lyn and she looked back at me - the meat was rare -
I could actually see the red blood....and neither of us like our meat that way, in fact we are not very big meat eaters at all....but do like it cooked all the way through.
Can't think why we were not asked how we like our meat. perhaps that is the way all their other customers like it..
Vegetables were brought and there was a wide variety...
We took one of the small plates and put the meat from our plates onto it...a waiter noticed this and asked if he could take it back and get it cooked longer.
As we had already added the veg. to our plates we declined his offer...but asked if he would mind putting it in a bag for us to take home for the dogs.
Cheeky little devils arn't we...
The Starter I had quite honestly was enough for a whole meal on it's own - there was Salmon - Prawns -all kinds of sea food even Caviar...
I ended up having Lemon cheesecake this again was huge and I could not eat it all -
When we arrived home Lyn put the beef into the Microwave and then cut it up for Nin and Barney ,
They both enjoyed it immensely, so they had a Christmas treat as well...
Happy New Year may all your dreams come true...
I had to drive back into Norwich today, there was no hold up on the main road, although I could not see anything showing what they had repaired yesterday.
Yesterday the car was loaded with gifts for my family, which I delivered when I went to see my Sister.
But where was the Gift for my friend Margaret, I could have sworn I put it in the car. went back to check I had not accidentally left it with the others - which I had not - so gave Lyn a call on my Cell phone and she told me I had left it on the arm of the sofa.
It was then too late to drive back home and back to Norwich - so had to make the journey again this morning...
I did meet the Golfers waiting to cross the road, and being in a Merry Mood I beckoned them to cross the road...And was Greeted by "Merry Christmas" from them all....
Caught up with Margaret and we exchanged gifts...
and to make things even nicer Lyn is feeling much better today....
I must thank all my J-land friends who sent me Christmas cards and to wish you all A Very Happy Christmas and New Year.
Thursday is the day I visit my Sister...left home in good time ....about 2 mile down the road there was Road works - and as this is a very busy Road had a ten minute wait before the lights went Green...
Travelled another one hundred yards and met road works on the other side of the Road. so had another 10 minute wait....
I didn't feel full of love and peace as was now a bit fed up with the hold ups..
Got onto the No speed Limited part of this Road - and travelled about six miles when there was another hold up. this was caused by a minor Road Traffic accident so the hold up wasn't too long - 5 minutes at the most....
By this time I really could have done with a nice cup of tea.
I was now twenty five minutes late - and my sister does worry if I am not on time....
We were held up at the Golf course as there were Golfers crossing the road, and the driver in front of me decided to let them have the right of way.
The rest of my journey was uneventful - well other than a Bus Driver did let me have the right of way coming out of a minor road. which do'es not happen too often.
Arrived at my sister Joy's to be met by that nice cup of tea and a piece of Chocolate Cake...
Just had to sneak the one of Barney in - he worked so hard to make that bed - Throwing the cuhions all over the place and ending up with two for his head.
Lyn has been really off colour since last Saturday - with a cold - and I have never heard her sneeze so much...It would be funny if it wasn't so painful for her.
The Doctor put her on antibiotics - so heres hoping she feels better by Christmas day....
Hope so as we are going out for dinner...If the worst comes to the worst I'll zoom down to the Hotel and bring her Dinner back here for her...
When we went shopping yesterday there were so many spare car parking spaces - Normally we have difficulty finding even a disabled space - and the store was not as crowded - as we thought it would be so we got through shopping quite easily. although Lyn nipped back in to get something she had forgotten.
(Between you and me I think it was a gift for me - can't be real certain about that - but we will see) !!
The Christmas tree is decorated - Father Christmas sits on his desk.. The shopping is finish (I hope) and we are all ready to party....
I can remember our Mum singing this to us on Christmas Eve. Probably because she didn't have much to give to us in the way of Christmas presents - and wanted us to be happy we had anything at all...
He was only the little boy that Santa Clasus forgot
And goodness knows, he didn't want a lot.
He sent a note to santa
For some soldiers and a drum,
It broke his little heart
When he found santa hadn't come.
In the street he envies all those lucky boys,
Then wanders home to last year's broken toys.
I'm so sorry for that laddie,
He hasn't got a daddy,
The little boy that santa claus forgot.
(you know, christmas comes but once a year for every girl and boy,
The laughter and the joy they find in each brand new toy.
I'll tell you of a little boy that lives across the way...
This little fella's christmas is just another day.
He's the little boy that santa claus forgot,
And goodness knows, he didn't want a lot.)
In the street he envies all those lucky boys,
Then wanders home to last year's broken toys.
I'm so sorry for that laddie,
He hasn't got a daddy,
The little boy that santa claus forgot.
I see we have a new J-Land friend who has made his first entry today - can we welcome him as you always do......Ally
picture of air raid shelter being dug out - that we spent so many hours down during the second world war.......the pagoda has long gone but the bandstand is still there.
View of Norwich Market place looking down from City Hall this is where the VE and VJ celebrations
were held when the war ended.If you remember in an earlier journal l told you how both myself and my future husband Dick watched an american airman shin up the lamp post in the centre of the market place celebrating the end of the second world war, and falling from the top...a broken arm was the only injury he had...and to think Dick and me didn't know each other then but were obviously very near each other to witness the same event...We went on to have a very happy married Life togeter
They are refurbishing the Market at the moment, underground there are store rooms for use by the stall holders - and this is where we slept for six nights after having a bomb land in our back garden. That was one of the hazards of living right in the heart of Norwich. But also made it exciting as when we used to go to the shelters there would be actors and actresses who were playing at the Theatre Royal and they would keep us entertained you can imagine how nice that was for us children.
Back to the bomb landing in our back yard, fortunately for us it did not explode - thank goodness it didn't as that night we had to go down the Cellar in our house,we didn't have time to get to Chapel Field air raid shelters where we would normally have been under such circumstances as the crash warning had sounded and we couldn't then go out on to the streets.
The House Shook, and I can remember Dad saying ..."That was a close one"...When the All Clear sounded we went back to our beds .....Little did we know what a close shave we all had until the next morning when the back door was opened
and Dad saw a gaping hole where our back garden used to be...
Racing up the stairs he grabbed me and my little brother shouting for everyone to get out of the house - which we did at Break neck speed not knowing what all the panic was about. only later being told what had happened..
That the Anderson Shelter was blown to smither ends, and the Garden was a total wreck... (We rarely used the Anderson Shelter) as Mum liked to be in the company of friends and Neighbours who also used the Shelters over the park..
We were not allowed to go back into the house until the Bombhad been dealt with.
So that is why we spent six sleep overs (nights) sleeping under Norwich Market place
Thinking back to when I was at School it was during the 2nd World War and food was on ration - at Christmas time in cookery class we all made a Christmas Cake,........ Miss Willis the teacher who took both the Cookery and Domestic Science classes knew how important it was for us children to get the cake just right - as it took quite a few of the rations we were allowed...then we had to make the Marzipan and Ice the top as is Tradition.
I always remember taking the finished cake home, and how pleased Mum was with the end Result..
Miss Willis as I said took Domestic Science as well - and on wash day she would bring her laundry in for us girls to do....None of us liked this arrangement - and complained bitterly to each other. We dare not complain to Miss Willis as I remember her to be a very big Lady. Or perhaps it was because we were small.
She had a linen line erected at the end of the playground where we would have to go and peg the laundry out. I can remember seeing all her smalls blowing in the breeze. All beautifully white from our hard work of scrubbing...and sore hands from them being in hot water for too long..
Cannot imagine the Children today having to do those chores....But it was supposed to prepare us for adulthood....
The School I went to was a Big Old Grey House - there were only 4 classrooms - the Domestic science Room and the Boys Woodwork room were buildings erected in the Grounds .....We did have an assembly hall where we would have morning prayers and later during the day it was used for games and exercises...
In the grounds they had built air-raid shelters where we would have to go when the air-raid sirens sounded....We had to move double smart when the Crash warning bombing raids were imminent ...Some days we spent a lot of time down those Shelters....and the teachers led the singing - Probably to take our minds off what was happening up above....
I remember that School with a lot of love - for the good and the bad things it taught me
I remember the teachers Miss Thorley, Miss Halligan and Miss Freeman - the men were away at war so there was Only the Head Master Mr Rudram...
Lyn has gone off to finish our Christmas shopping - so I am trying to write the rest of my Cards - Having difficulty as right hand being injured and can't grip pen too well and not being ambidextrous it just feels like hard work - still nearly finished......
Loaned my car out last Monday as friends had broken down, it was parked and left at Their Office, as they could not get back to Norwich before Thursday - I had to go collect it - as Thursday is the day I visit my Sister. and I needed my car.
Well these things happen - and Lyn took me to collect it Wednesday night.
Driving home it was very dark and one of the front lights decided to go out...when I looked into my rear view mirror it was not there where it should have been but laying on the floor of the car.
I never realised how many times I used that mirror until it wasn't there...
Arrived home and put my little "KA" into the Garage.
Now I have to get to the Garage have the bulb replaced and get the mirror back into it's rightful place...
It's against the law to drive without a light working - don't know about the rear view mirror I expect that is against the law as well.
So Thursday morning Tom picked me up and took me to my Sisters ....16 Miles...........
And Lyn came and collected me ......
Do you think my little car was putting it's parts on because someone else was driving her.....
Do you remember me telling you about the field mouse that made a nest in Lyn's walking boots.
Well picture shows how they made a comfortable home for their babies and ruined her boots.
I thought we had thrown the boots out, but Lyn left them in case they came back and needed their nest again.
Inside were nuts and bolts bits of cardboard material and lots of other bits and pieces.
My daughter is so mere hearted - but I would not have her any other way
.The mice didn't come back again so we are now thinking about putting the boots in the Bin....
thanks Sara
No this isn't a new ball for Barney to play with - must admit he was quite taken aback by it - after it was fully inflated...It took Lyn nearly an hour to pump it up the the 33 inches it had to be..
While out water skiing a few years ago she had an accident, and injured her back - she uses a bean bag to do exercises on to strenthen it.
Well when I saw this Medical Ball I thought "Hey" that's just the thing for her -
So on Line I go and order one for her
It arrived two days later.
Well I am so glad I got it for her, she has kept me entertained since she first tried to use it.
You are supposed to be able to sit on it and balance yourself without holding on to anything.
She hasn't mastered the art of doing this feat yet. and now places cushions around her so she don't damage herself any further. when she falls she does fall off every time.
When she lays across it both Barney and Nin thinks its play time and try to climb on her back...Barney has managed to do this -it amazes me how high that little dog can Jump...... He sat there looking very pleased with himself....
So while Lyn is doing her exercises I turn the TV off - who needs it when you have home made entertainment....
I had an invitation this morning to join an online Friends Club...And innocently downloaded it, I realised I had given my AOL password - and have been advised since this is not a good idea...So anyone I have forwarded this too - I advise you not to download....Luckily my Daughter informed me I had given the wrong password anyway - and we have since erased it from our control panel...
As soon as I started downloading my spyware intervened so I was cautious anyway.
Yesterday we went to the Village Christmas Bazaar - it was held in what used to be many years ago the Village School - It is a Tiny building just one room - a small kitchenette an entrance hall and a Toilet...It was freezing cold in there, I only hope they had some kind of heat when the children had to go to School there.
It really isn't big enough to hold a Bazaar there, but they had quite a lot of Stalls.
Guess the weight of the Christmas cake.
Pin the Nose on Rudolph.
Home made cake stall
and a couple of other stalls selling nick Knacks of all sorts.
Plants and Books
So you see they did cram a lot into that little School room.
We bought some Raffle tickets - had a guess at the weight of the cake. and bought some other odds and ends.
We then sat down to have a cup of Coffee...When the Cell Phone rang..
It was Cressie my Grand-daughter - she had raging toothach and needed a lift to the Emergency Dentists.
So we hurridly left the Bazaar - didn't even drink our coffee..
When we eventually arrived home we got a call from someone at the Village Hall telling us we had won a couple of prizes in the Raffle.
They said they would deliver them when the Bazaar finished - we live on the same Road as the Village Hall - so could have walked down there to collect them, but it was raining so gratefully accepted their offer.
When they arrived about an hour later we had won a Huge Bag of Toffees - and a huge Bag of Chocolate Christmas tree decorations also a lovely little tray decorated with Bluetits...
It turned out there was nothing wrong with Cressies teeth..The pain she had was caused by Neuralgia...So pain killers helped her, and she is much better today...
The Picture above hangs in my hallway - it is called "A Time of Plenty" and was painted by White Buffalo (Len Fairchuk) it was a present from friends in Canada....I just love it -it is so simple yet conveys such a lot...
Picture is of Mundesley Cliffs and beach - when we were children Mum and Dad would often take us there for a days picnic....We would walk from our home in North Walsham a small Village in Norfolk...
I with brothers and sisters would play at the top of the cliffs - my brother Ivor and I were the youngest of the family so we were the two that got chased when playing tag.
Probably because we couldn't run as fast as the others.
While being chased I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me, and being too near the edge of the cliff and running too fast I fell over the edge and ended up at the bottom of the cliff. just stopping before the concrete steps that took you onto the Sand.
I cannot recall any of the events that followed this fall, only to be reminded of it from time to time by the family. That I knocked myself out for a couple of days and when I came to I threw up over everything and anybody who was near by.
I do remember having a hammock in the garden where I would swing for hours on end. recuperating from my injuries.
If ever I did anything Stupid or said any thing that didn't make sense - it was always put down to the fall......So I got away with quite a lot of misdemeanours.....
And I did have an excuse for all the stupid things I ever did.....
Had a busy day yesterday...went shopping, I waited in the car while Lyn did the Supermarket shopping.
Then ended up in the Hairdressers, as Lyn had booked a trim.
I just happened to have my camera with me so thought I would take a picture of her.
She was just round the corner so camera at the ready - I walked in front of her - She shielded her face with her hands and said "No Mum - Oh no not like this"
Her hair hung round her shoulders, No make up on, and I thought it was perfect..
So I snapped and had the photograph all snug inside my camera.
I loaded it - or should I say tried to load it into my computer and it was not there... Just one I had taken previously of the snow we had the other day..
Now I know Lyn never touched my camera - so where did my picture go...
Perhaps it's a good thing - as she did say she wouldn't talk to me again if I used it here in J-land.....She also said she would get her own back on me.....Now I shiver in my shoes, as she does not know the picture never registered....
And unless she ever reads this I'm not telling her.....
thank you Sara
Pictures are of Horning Ferry (This was Douglas Bader's local during the second World War he was a Pilot who lost both of his legs in an accident)
When Tom my grandson was old enough he became a fisherman and accompanied Dick his Grand-dad on countless fishing matches and fishing trips.
On one occasion they decided to fish Horning Ferry, This is a big expanse of water with lots of holiday cruisers moored by the banks.
They fished it early evening - So armed with their Gear - Flasks - Tilly Lamps and picnic, off they set.
Dick could sit for hours on end, but Tom being only 10 years old couldn't sit still for very long and would wander along the bank. Dick told him to sit down as he would scare the fish away (What a laugh with all the Holiday cruisers moored along the bank - and holiday makers wandering everywhere)...
You know fishermen you have to sit and be quite and watch the float...
It was now getting dark, so Tilly Lamps were lit - Sandwiches eaten and Tea drank. (How could they after putting maggots on their hooks Ughhh}
Tom sat quietly for a while and then started his wandering again - Dick looked up when he heard a sizzling noise - and Tom looked sheepish and asked if he could go and ask for a glass of water from the holiday makers moored just along the bank.
Dick said "No" - but as Tom looked a bit upset he told him to go - but kept his eye on him.
The people on board happily gave him a glass of water and chatted to him for quite a while - Dick couldn't understand why he hadn't drunk the water but had put his fingers into the glass instead.
It turned out Tom had touched the lid of the Tilly Lamp (remember I said Dick had heard a sizzling noise) Well Tom had burnt his fingers quite badly and didn't want Dick to know, as he had been warned so many times how hot Tilly Lamps can become.
So you don't have to think about it over the weekend Jan's middle name and my first name is
Dear Santa if you come to see me Christmas Eve I would like some additional Power Points - Today I have plugged in The Camcorder - Digital Camera - Cell Phone - Electric Tooth brush - Electric Cooker - Kettle - Coffee Maker - PC - Laptop - Two Standard Lights - Six Lamps - Four Televisions - Electric Fire - Lady shaver - I'm sure there are some I have missed -
so please dear Santa unless you can supply the points
don't bring me anymore Electrical gadgets, because I can't cope with anymore
The heating is on the fire is lit - so just guess where the boys are -
Right first time.....
1. Curled up near the radiator
2. Nin spread out in front of the wood burner
3. Still spread out
4. Joined by Barney....
Going back to what the vet was saying .....he said "maybe" about the boredom....but didn't think it likely - as Nin and Barney play together - and are always in each others company.....
He veered more toward an alergy....and tried to explain why - had something to do with him chewing his paws....wish I had paid closer attention to what he was telling us....
But so relieved at the fact Nin didn't have a brain tumour...
So having explained that I shall go have my dinner....
PS.....Jan and I have discovered we have the same name Ally being my nick name and my first name and Jan's is her middle name we thought it might be a bit of fun if you tried to guess what our Name is.....
Nin went for his check up at the Vets today, and it's good news all the way - His ear drum is not perforated, as he had suspected - It was so infected last time he could not see to the bottom, but it is now a little better, he has ruled out all the nasty things it could have been...and now thinks his behaviour is caused by an alergy.....or even Boredom...He informs us that dogs can get bored. Barney can amuse himself all the time - he will play with a ball, or any other toy all on his own for hours, whereas Nin never has been one to chase a ball - his favourite pass time is lying on his back - and having a human - (he don't mind which human) tickle his Tum...he is in his seventh Doggie Heaven .....As for Barney as we always say The lights are on but there is no one at home, he seems to be in his own little world and is loving every minute of it....
1) Barney voicing his disapproval at my new toy...
2) Just don't move - ......Nothing moves here without my permission....
He just do'es not like anything that can make a noise louder than he can......
Barney Sound asleep in that position
Friends together
Nin on his pillow
Ohhhhh - Barneys on Nins pillow
Moved to another location
Thats a new little gadget I bought - an Electric carpet sweeper - Barneys licking it - don't know if that is a good or bad sign, - maybe licking it to see if it's good enough to eat.
Taken yesterday afternoon during a sunny - rainy day - from my the top of the garden in the middle is a Potting Shed (New addition) to the right is the workshop - fully equiped with carpentry the left is the greenhouse out of sight behind the the foreground is a basket ball thingy that the children love to practice getting the ball through......
Nin and Barney have had such a hard day - Chasing the Birds - Digging Holes - Chasing the Leaves blown by the wind - as you can see they are having a well earned rest.......Barney does not fully close his eyes, he's afraid he might miss something...
I went to visit my Sister today - I normally go on Thursday - but as I am off out to-morrow I changed my day...On the way I nipped into the Supermarket.
I decided to take a Trolley rather than a basket, As my shopping normally ends in me buying more than I went in for.
The trolley was fine, while it was empty, but as I added groceries into it - it decided it would go its own merry way. I pushed it one way - but it wanted to go somewhere else.
I decided to pull it, rather than push it - but this didn't help - I think it was programmed to drag customers to the aisles - where the store had items they really wanted to get rid of.
I don't know how I ever passed my driving test - because I certainly would have failed if I had taken it in that trolley.
After fifteen minutes of struggling round the store, I decided enough was enough.. and made my way to the check out point. It steered me there - no trouble at all. (see after my money) I just knew it was automaticaly programmed to take the customer to certain points in the store.
I complained about the trolley to the checkout girl...(unlike me) but I had noticed other ladies having trouble with stacked trollies. mine wasn't stacked, far from it...and I surely was having problems....Check out girl said they had quite a few complaints and were looking into getting them fixed.
I decided to carry my shopping to the car, as I dreaded the thought of trying to steer it through to where the car was parked.
....Oh to have the good old days back when you went into a shop and were served at a counter - Sugar weighed and put into a Paper bag. Good old mucky carrots and potatoes...Apples of different shapes and sizes - as nature intended them to be, and the same for tomatoes - I guess in those days everything was organic.
It's make me wonder if one day we will be buying square tomatoes - so they fit into sandwichs properly..
Somehow I can't imagine those days coming back....and listen to me going on I shop every week at the Supermarkets.
When we last took Nin to the Vets - he diagnosed a perforated eardrum..(If the first Vet we had seen had thought to look in his ears - treatment could have started much earlier)
He put Nin on very strong antibiotics......
Which really laid the poor little lad low - he has been very lethargic - not his usual bright self at all.
Barney is concerned - as he keeps near him, where ever Nin go'es Barney is next to him...
.We also have been concerned - as they are both usually so full of the Joys of Spring...
We have to go back and see the Vet on 23th November...but were thinking of making an earlier appointment - Until this morning that is:-..
What a difference a day makes .....They have been galloping around the house, like two little puppies - Chasing each other upstairs and downstairs..really having a good old Doggie time....they are both flaked out in their beds at the moment.....It is good to have Nin back to his playful self -
And Barney is no longer protecting him - Isn't it funny how they can hone in on the actual problem, if we had gone by Barney's actions in the first place, this is sniffing down Nin's ears more or less trying to tell us there was something wrong - but we just assumed it was Barney doing his usual thing looking after Nin.
Even though Barney is the youngest he is cetainly the carer of the two.
If Nin sneezes or has a dream - (where he is chasing that rabbit over the fields), Barney runs straight to him, looking very concerned - but the other way round Nin just looks up as if to say "What ever are you doing"
So hopefully things will carry on in this vein and we won't have to make that earlier appointment after all...
This is the view I woke up to this morning - it was 6.35am...The Sun was so bright I could not look at it. The clouds above were rolling and looked very menancing like a storm was on it's way.
So like any sensible person, I drew the blinds and went back to bed.....
The cat tickled my sense of humour - don't ask me why - I can't answer that. It was on my Digi. camera and I know I never took a picture of it so am a bit mystified as to how it got there.!!!!
The Pumpkin - OK I admit it - I bought that for Lyn....the light outside spoiled the effect of the candle burning inside the pumpkin...
and last but not least, we often wondered what the boy's got up to when we were out - now we know - arriving home they usually bark to greet us....
To-day no noise going in we kept as quiet as we could - and in the back bedroom - both of them were spread out on the bed - which looked like a tornado had hit it, Pillows on the floor - covers pulled all over the place... We had to laugh though, as they lazily opened their eyes - and looked a bit sheepish (Or should that be Doggish)..
Went into the Garage which is where I keep the bird seed and peanuts - as I wanted to fill the Nut holders and replenish the bird table, It's surprising how many birds seem to rely on this feed....
I had bought a new sack of seed - but knew there was still a little left in the old one.....Barney and Nin followed me into the Garage....
Before I go on - a few weeks ago we knew we had mice in the garage - but living near fields and woodland this is not unusual...We could see the signs of mice - and started to look for them....
We searched old boxes, - other things that had piled up...which we discarded to the Garage...waiting a Bonfire....couldn't find any.
On a shelf is a pair of Dr Martin boots, which Lyn picked up - and lo and behold a mouse had built a nest in one of them was very intricate - and very heavy ,to our surprise there was wood, nails nuts and bolts and little bits of cardboard and material, he or she was a strong little critter!.....Didn't put our hands in - just in case it was inhabited.
So gingerly returned the boot to the Shelf....the other boot was unoccupied...thank goodness...
We cleared the Garage of all the rubbish - and had a small bonfire..
OK back to Barney and Nin following me into the Garage, I picked up the old seed bag - and could see just a small amount of seed in the bottom - so turned it upside down over a tub - but didn't notice the occupant until out tumbled this little field mouse...
This really freaked me out - throwing the bag into the air, I screamed - now don't get me wrong, I am not afraid of mice....It was just the shock of seeing it come out of the bag..
Well if that made me jump, You should have seen Barney - Catching sight of the mouse - I have never seen him move so quickly, that poor little mouse did not know which way to turn, it made for the door - I was making my way to the door Barney was still running - Mousie jumped out of the door and just ran -it made the fence just a tails length in front of Barney....poor Barney I really felt sorry for him - He ran back into the Garage then back to where the mouse had disappeared..then back again......
But there go'es another mouse - wonder if that was the one - which built the nest in Lyn's boot........
Lyn had to by a new pair of Dr. Martins as they had used the linings from both boots to help with construction of their nest....
Pic.No 1 - Our car parked outside Lenwade Country Club.
Pic No 2 - Barney on Cat the back sitting room .I put the chair there for him - otherwise he jumps on the coffee table - and it has a glass top...
Pic No 3 Barney back again on lookout for cat.
Pic No 4 = Lenwade C.C. we went there to book our Christmas Lunch...
Pic No 5 - Nin composed as ever.....waiting for Barney to come flying back any minute now...
We decided to treat ourselves out to Christmas Lunch this year, save a lot of cooking ,,,,,,Hope we enjoy it, It will be the first time ever we have done this...
Hope your November will be a happy and tranquil Month for you....
We had a trip to the Seaside to day - Had to go, as we had to see our accountant...and she happens to live by the Coast....It was a miserable day, Grey skies, Windy, and Raining - But the weather forecaster informed us that the day would improve by about 3 O'clock.
We arrived at our destination, When we had finished we decided to do some shopping....So parked in the Town - (Barney had his Muzzle on - so peace and quite).....
We nipped into the Bank, A friend of Lyn's work there, and asking how he was , he said OK. ....the the girl sitting next to him said "He really isn't fine" - so he explained to us the problem he faces - The Bank is transferring him to another Branch..which will entail a 200 Mile round trip for the week. He moved House when he got this job to be near to his Work...So he would not have to drive....This seems just so move him so far away......
When we left the Bank it was still raining, only a little harder than when we went in....So we nipped into the nearest Shop - where we bought a couple a Christmas presents.
As the car was close by, we decided to make our way we drove along, the rain still pelting down - we both agreed it was just the day for Ducks -
Lyn worked in the Cromer and Sheringham area. so decided to take me to see some Ducks, the Village we were heading for is East Runton, and apparently the Ducks have lived in this one place for years.....When we arrived I really was surprised to see so many....
It was still raining when I got out of the car.....Took snaps as the wind and rain splashed the Lens of the camera ....the forth picture is of two more of Lyns birthday presents ...."Ducks"
..... they are in the hallway at home and must have sneaked in when I wasn't looking - because they have been there for several days !!!!....
We arrived home and it was well past 3 O'clock and it was still raining - even harder - we unpacked the shopping - and got Barney and Nin indoors. We were both drenched .......
I think the weather forecaster got it wrong today !!!!!!
To join the Pig Lyn got for her birthday (which is weeks away) these are some more she has acquired....early birthday presents......we will soon have to get a bigger house to make room for them,,,,Barney is in his favourite position when the wood burner is alight.....
This is for Debs:
6 Cox's apples
6 wooden sticks - We used chop sticks
225g/8 ozs Granulated Sugar
110ml/4 fluid ozs water
30g/1 oz butter
2 table spoons golden syrup
Push the wooden sticks halfway into the apples at the stalk end
Put sugar and water into a thick bottemed pan and dissolve the sugar over a gentle heat.
Add the butter and syrup and bring to the boil. Boil without stirring until toffee reaches the soft crack stage (290 c) we dont have a sugar thermometer and it took about 20 to 25 mins. boiling.
Remove from heat and dip apples into the toffee 1 at a time - leave to harden on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper...
Then eat and enjoy......Depending on how many you intend to make double or treble up ingredients....
Please do try this recipe it is called the Impossible Pie
4 eggs
1/4 cup of margarine
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup SR flour
1/4 teaspoon full salt
2 cups of milk
1 cup coconut
1 teaspoon full vanilla
Place all ingredients in blender at one time and blend until mixed together.
Pour into a buttered 10 inch pie dish.
Bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hour.
when done, crust will be on the bottom, custard in the middle,and coconut on the top - right where they belong !......
1 and 2 are of Barney in his muzzle
3 and 4 the View while waiting for Lyn in the Vets Garden
5 Barney again in his muzzle (Peace and quite Ahhhhh)
6 A sloe bush growing in the vets garden...(do you think he would mind if I picked a few)
When I was working I met a lovely fellow called Robert, Married to Elaine and they have EIGHT Children...As you all know I am retired - but Robert gave me a call last week and invited me and Lyn round for coffee....
So last Friday armed with a map from Auto Route off we went...Now bear in mind Lyn knows the way to Wroxham - but Auto Route shows the shortest Route. HaHa !!!
We visited so many lovely little Villages - didn't even know they exsisted, obviously no one else knew either because there were very few signposts.
Now what would you do, you come to a T Junction - NO SIGN POST - which way shall we go left or right - Decisions - Decisions...
Anyway we went right....we came to several T Junctions on the way - and just guessed at the way to go... and Lo and Behold all of a sudden Lyn saw a road she recognised - Hooray.
The rest of the journey was easy....Phoned Robert when we arrived in Wroxham, as he wanted to meet us there, to escort us to his house...
After coffee and biscuits we all got chatting, about Halloween - and Elaine wondered if there was anything we could do to help with her Halloween party..She is very much part of "The Helping Hands Residents Association" if interested visit
Good ole Lyn she has good intent and offered to make toffee apples for the event, No problems until she made the first batch of toffee, she got a Scottish recipe off the internet - sounded lovely - Demera Sugar all melted down with golden syrup - but it turned to Sugar Ice...You know what I mean like the little pink and white mice we bought as children to hang on the Christmas tree... It tasted nice, but not what we wanted.
We knew we had a recipe written in an old cookery book - but where was that book...Searched high and low - had a fabulous time - we spent the afternoon in the book cupboard.....That may sound funny, but we do have a small room full of books - tapes - video's - etc..we got so side tracked - finding things in there we had long forgotten about,.... but eventually we found the old book...So with our old tried and tested English recipe - we set to work again - we had forty apples - about 60 chopsticks (for the handles) And this absolutely wonderful toffee (tasted like werthers originals) lovely and buttery.....
We coated the apples - and let them harden - and then set to wrap them...whenwe had finished Lyn promised me she would not make toffee apples again (until next time) We had sticky worktops - sticky fingers - but the finished result looked OK and we were pleased with them.....What do you think ?????
I went to see my sister Joy last Thursday and a Nephew of mine happened to be there with his dog...Friendly little chap...But Bengy my nephew said when out on his lead he can be a little horror, and produced from his pocket a little gadget which he attached to his muzzle- it was made of Nylon and stopped him barking he could still lap water and breath OK...
Well this thought crossed my mind, "Barney" when we take him out in the car - anyone and everyone gets barked at, and because he barks Nin joins in, Nin don't know what he's barking for - but the two of them together is utter bedlam...
So on my way home I dropped into the Garden Centre where there is a pet store and purchased one of Bengys Gadgets...
When I arrived home I gave it to Lyn, she put it on Barney, but had gotten it upside down, so it completely obliterated Barneys face and covered his eyes, well we thought that's not right, so put it on the other way up - and all we could see then was his tongue and eyes. he didn't look very happy. ears down tail between his legs..
He did his best to get it off ... he is an escape artist, when we put his harness on he do'es a quick twist and turn and is free. but try as he may he could not remove the muzzle.. Miracles do still happen.!!
So we loaded both dogs into the car, anxious to try out our new found peace while driving.
Turning round in my seat to have a look at him - he turned his back on me - laid down and whined...and can he sounded like it came from his soul....(felt terribly guilty) but that was better than his barking...and Nin just sat and looked a bit bewildered ...But we all had a nice quiet journey - so as much as he do'es not like it - I'm afraid Barney is stuck with it....
PS - Note from Barney....I'm taking my mistress to court for taking away my "FREEDOM OF SPEECH".GRRRRR WOOF WOOF GRRRRRR.......
When I posted pictures earlier - I lost picture of the new addition to our family - just now he popped up on my screen - and I don't know from where....I thought I had posted him earlier with Nin and Barney pics, can anyone explain this ????
Anyway Please meet "Bert" he is one of Lyn's early Birthday presents.....When we placed him on the floor Nin squared up to him - thought they were going to have a had to put him up the corner....It is made from wrought Iron and is a money box.....
1 - Barney tempting Nin to play....
2 - Barney with his two favourite toys....
3 - Nin with his friend.....His Toy dog friend...
4 - Nin is in there somewhere - always curled up with his furry friend....
5 - Kissing cousins - always play fighting like little puppies.....
In June of this year, we took Nin to the Vet's - had a bit of a scare for a time - repeatedly took him saw two different vet's - who gave two different diagnosis....
Ranging from "Brain Tumour" to something he probably had since he was a pup.(his right eye does not dilate) Two weeks ago took him to see a third Vet...looked down his ear - informed us he had a really bad ear infection, which he treated - and now Nin has lost all the symptons - and now he is as right as ninepence..... The other Vet's never even looked in his ears....
Lovely bunch of flowers plus vase received from Anna (Lyn's God-daughter} thanking us for a lovely few days they stayed with us.....We should thank them for coming....-
(all the packets on the dresser under the television = are ingredients for christmas puddings - they made eight in all so we are fully stocked with puds). and now have a nice clear
Picture 2 is The Big Red Letter box - how could our lady who delivers the magazine have missed it...... Ally
My husband Dick was in partnership with Barry his brother-in-law, they had a deep litter business with approx 200 hundred chickens we raised them from tiny fluffy chicks and eventually when fully grown we would collect the eggs and they were sold on to the then milk marketing was a very lucrative but small business. Both Dick and Barry had their day jobs. Now these two were always up for a challenge to make a bit of extra cash hence the saga of the bubble gum machines. Do you remember the old bubble gum machines, they always stood on the pavement outside your favourite sweet shop, and you needed one old penny to put in the slot - turn the handle - and your lovely colourful round ball of bubble gum would drop into your hand.
One evening Barry was reading the news paper the headline said "Easy way to make money" well, he was drawn to this and read on, it sounded great. The people advertising would find a nice position , outside a local shop and this is where your bubble gum machine would be placed. So Barry armed with all this information came to our house to discuss it with Dick, well, to be honest they were as bad as each other, and soon decided this was an opportunity not to be missed so Barry made arrangements and the man would come to our house to tie it all up.
Back then when this was all being sorted out remember we didn't have a telephone or a car so these two were biking back and forth to each others houses planning what they were going to do with all the money they were going to make.....perhaps a new car or shall we increase the chicken population in our deep littter shed or you name it they suggested it !!!
Well the night arrived for the big meeting, it was about 7 o'clock when the doorbell rang, l was busy making dolls clothes for Lyns doll. Dick went to the door and invited two men in. Have you ever seen the" Godfather.".well, they could have been out of that film. All l could think of was Mafia and Gangsters and whatever have these two got into now.
Barry was very keen on the idea - and sold it to Dick, who agreed (I think against his beter judgement) But the Mafia knew how to sell their products...and a deal was struck..,,,A few days before the cash was to be handed over this very pleasant young man called, he worked for the Mafia, and it seemed to me he was trying to dissuade them, but they were carried away with their dream of big profits and nothing was going to stop them.
The cash was handed over, and a few days later bags of bubble gum arrived and they were told where the Machine had been sited, Heigham Street - a quiet part of Norwich - about 4 miles from our house. Bikes to the ready and off they went to fill the machine with the gum. All filled and Barry took an old penny inserted it into the slot turned the handle and out came his lovely colourful bubble gum.
A few days passed and anxious to see what a florishing business they had, Dick decided to take a ride down by himself and have a look. It was a dark night and raining by the time he got there, no street lighting and was finding it difficult trying to find the keyhole, when a policeman approached and shone his torch at Dick and wanted to know what he was up to, Dick told him the machine was his and was just emptying it - and asked him if he would shine his torch so he could see the keyhole - the policeman oblidged with that Dick did the business, and in the cash box was ONE penny.
Dick hurried round to Barry's and he told Dick he had been to the bubble gum machine earlier that evening, emptied it of the money "ONE PENNY" which he duly put back in. So it turned out that nobody had used it - Only Barry !!!
There is a nice ending to this saga - as it was a well known paper - and we certainly were not happy with the results of our venture, we wrote too them - And not expecting any results, we were pleasantly surprised when the lady got in touch with us from the paper - and fought our corner - after quite a few weeks we received a letter and were reimbursed with all our outlay.....We did send her a box of chocolates for her trouble - but out of the profits of our chickens - and not the Bubble gum machine.....
This must have been in the 1980's - Dick was now Secretary of the fishing club...And a Pike Match had been arranged for this particular Sunday morning. They all meet up at the Dog Public House - to have a snifter before they started their match (A nice Whisky helped them to warm up for the day ahead - well that is what they told me !!).....
This particular Sunday morning was in winter and snowflakes were gently falling.... Before I go on any further I will give you a rough idea of the men in their team, they were such characters all having their own nicknames...Blue eyes, for obvious reasons - FFFreddie (who stammered) Rasher because his name was Bacon...and I could go on, but there were so many of them...
Now back to my story.....They all loaded their gear into the boats (two men per boat).....Started up their Evinrude engines, and off they went, All bundled up in winter gear, Woolie Hats - Scarves - the lot to keep warm.
After an hour or so, "Great Excitement" Big Billy (and he had his nickname for obvious reasons} had a was a Pike and a big one at that, he struck and reeled it in, got it to the side of the boat a couple of times but in the pandemonium and anxious to land his catch - he fell into the water.. He went under ,and as he bobbed up to the surface his woolie hat was down over his nose, it probably would have slipped further, but his pipe which was still in his mouth prevented it covering his face totally....
His trousers had slipped down and his coat and sweaters had come adrift - showing his bare Belly....onto which the snowflakes were gently settling - much to the amusement of the other anglers.. but having said that they all started their engines and came to his rescue.. And just guess where they all ended up - you've got it - "The Dog Public House".....This time a snifter to keep them warm after the match...
Being concerned about big Billy who was so cold that he shook - Luckily Dick always had spare clothing in the car, So these were loaned to Big Billy - but bare in mind Dick was a couple sizes smaller than him, but at least they were dry and warm...
They hooked Big Billy's Boat to his car and sent him on his way home.....
Dick was concerned about him - and later that evening went to see how hewas....Maidie his wife came to the door and Dick went inside - First words Billy spoke before Dick could say a thing was " Did you manage to get my Engine out of the water"....Dick was bemused, Billy had told his wife that the engine had fell off his boat and that he had dived in to retrieve it....... Dick went along with this story, as obviously Big Billy hadn't told her the exact truth....But that's fishermen for you....
And as for the Pike - Who know's....Never heard another word about it....But Big Billy's story was the talk of the fishermen for quite a while.....
They tell me it is going to rain to-morrow - so nipped down my Road to take these :-
1st one is The Horse trails field being prepared for the weekend..
2nd is Nin - rolling in I know not - and don't want to know either
3rd is the lane I live in - just ahead to the right is my bungalow.
4th is a field just down the lane - the farmer usually keeps sheep there - but like that elusive Peacock - there are none there today.
Yet another picture of Barney - still on guard.
Update on Sloe Gin - it is now a lovely deep Red wine colour - can't wait till Christmas when it will be ready to drink..
When we were children - my Dad would take us three youngest children with him on his fishing trips, My young brother Ivor and my sister Joy. We would have to catch the bus to Lenwade, as we didn't have a car. When we arrived there Dad would set up his fishing gear, and tell us we must not make any noise, as the fish would not bite. It was guaranteed as we sat there quietly a Robin would land on Dads maggots tub - and cheekily steal them - coming back time and again for more. Dad would sit for hours telling us about the wild life at the lake ..and pointing out all the different trees and flowers that were there..How I miss him...
In the years to come Dick, and I spent most week-ends going to Great Yarmouth where we would play bingo - eat doughnuts go on the big dipper and generally had a fab. time..... one Bingo win we choose as our prize was a childs fishing set - this led to a lifetime of coarse fishing as a hobby for my Husband. It started when we took Lyn our daughter who was then 8 years old - we would go to Hellesdon Mill and spend the whole day there enjoying our new sport and obviously a Picnic.
This led to Dick wanting his own fishing gear, so off he would go to Tom Boltons and purchase everything a fisherman would need, this pleased my Dad as he now had someone who could ferry him further afield on his fishing janunts - Hickling Broad - Ranworth Broads and of course all the rest of the broads, and Dick bought a boat so this was even better they could actually get into the middle and fish the choicest spots....You know where the BIG ones are hinding under the Lily pads..
One beautiful Sunny Sunday morning Dick and I went together, me armed with my deck chair, Sunday papers and a box of chocolates. Dick laden with his fishing gear.. I settled down to have a nice sun bathe, but Dick had other ideas and had set up a rod up for me, no way was I going to put a maggot on the hook, so he did it for me, and even cast out, I sat there for what seemed like ages - hoping that no way would any fish take my bait, but alack and alas my float disappeared under the water, and the line sped away..I screamed to Dick, and he came running over - tellingme what to do,
When the fish I had caught came to the surface he was BIG, and I remember the excitement of it, I was actually shaking...but what a feeling..Wow it's one I shall never forget !!!!.... I stood there anticipating releasing the hook from this massive fellow....the photograph of me posing with him, what I would look like in The Angling Times next issue.......When Woosh with one swish of his tail he was gone..No longer on my hook, but from then on I was Hooked - never realised fishing could be so exciting.
Have many many more fishing tales !!!!!!!! which I will share with you in the future...
Fishermans Prayer ;
God grant that I may catch a fish
So Big that even I
When speaking of it afterwards
Will have no need to lie..........
1st picture is one of my Bunches of grapes - there are quite a few bunches on the vine.
picture 2 is Barney laying in wait in case the Hoover starts - He is ready to attack.
picture 3 is My daughter Lyn with Nin
Picture 4 is the Horse Trials Field in early morning mist - at the end of the road where I live.
I have been down the lane dozens of times on the look out for that now elusive Pimpernel Oh sorry I mean Peacock. I did see him on one occassion but he darted off into the bushes before I could get my camera out. but I will get a picture of him - if it is the last thing I do.
The Horse Trial field is very busy especially at the week-ends
sometimes its a trial in its self trying to drive past the Horse boxes. As they are so big... But they are lovely to watch with their riders trotting proudly round the field.
We have lots of nature around us with the Muntjac Deers - and lots of squirrels scurrying around I expect they are collecting food for the winter,
We have a lovely dark coloured fox - which prowls the lane at night and sometimes we have the privilege of meeting him face to face as we drive home, the only problem being it's the same lane where that Elusive Peacock was last seen.....umm.... I wonder !!!!
But seriously the Nature in the Breckland area is abundant we have so many different species of Birds and now I've got myself a new digi. camera I will post some later....
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.....
Thanks to Sara for Graphic
My computer is up and running again - I'm so happy to say...But I have got to reprogramme my Digi Camera Software and lots of other things, but that will keep me quite for a little while. and Lyn is happy as she has her computer back to herself.
She is out today doing a hygiene course. As we are thinking of opening a small cafe'... I have to do it too, but they were full today so I'll do the next one.
Nin and Barney are asleep next to me as I type away, if they were awake they would be pushing my hands off the keyboard as they think hands are for stroking them and not for typing.
I've got Norton - Firewall and goodness knows what else security on here now - so with a bit of luck I will stay Virus Free :o)
Must get back to reprogramming - So Take Care....Ally
I think the checkup I have to have on my computer tomorrow may be OK...It certainly seems to be working OK now...I never realized I would miss it so much - Luckily for me I am guest on Lyn's computer so was still able to get my fix on your journals. Which I really like to read and to comment on....If the picture comes out this time - it did not when I tried on Lyns Computer (don't know why) maybe it is because I am only a guest over on hers)...
But that is just how I felt...without my computer....Happy little chappie isn't he.
I'm back to washing the dishes as my finger has made a complete recovery...So as there are dishes to be done I will say bye...Take care...and have a lovely Sunday.....
It's Saturday and my computer is still unwell - using Lyn's at the moment...thank goodness I can still get to my files...and other things...anyway Gary the computer Doctor said I had gathered 2,600 different virus's - because my laptop didn't have any virus protection..So it was a matter of life and death...and he said we had just saved it in time....we are having a few teething problems - but it is going in for its last consultation on Monday, So am hoping it will be passed fit and well and ready to start work again.. anyone wishing to send a get well soon card - please send to Gary - The Computer Shop, Fakenham. He He....
My finger has healed well from "Barneys Bite" and the cuts are so small - you would really laugh at them ....but with a bandage on didn't realise how small they were - where did such a lot of blood come from such small cuts - Felt quite ashamed when I did take the bandage off - didn't really like to show them to anyone - but "Wehay" I didn't have to do the washing up for three days..
Hope you all have a good weekend....Ally
Had an appointment at the Doctors this morning - just to see the nurse -nothing serious - But it was lucky I had an appointment I'll tell you why........Well Barney is a lovely little dog, BUT, as I have told you "THE POSTMANS RUN" his brain can only function on one thing at a time - Now our regular postman knows the score but the Lady who delivers our village magazine dosen't.......Now bear in mind as you walk in our garden we have the biggest RED postbox ever - How anyone could miss it beats me, but she did.....
So the story goes Barney is in heaven, he is going to get that yellow magazine come what may...Now I was trying to hold the letter box shut so the Lady in question didn't loose all her digits. She was fighting to push it through , - I was fighting to stop her. In the ensuing battle I felt a sharp pain and Barney was attached to my ring finger....I knew something was wrong when the blood gushed.......Lyn to the rescue. she unattached Barney with a stern telling off - but the magazine's OK..
So explained all to the nurse, Finger bandaged, got to keep an eye on it, and Barney is suitably ashamed of himself - and I can't do the washing up - Wahey...
Don't you just love the Kitty - he's not mine - wish he were.
Have shown this picture to Barney -and warned him he's out next time he doe's battle with me...Only kidding...
Must thank Jeannette for all her help with my Journal....
Have a nice evening...and Take care...Ally
Thats me sitting playing on my laptop..
For the last couple of days as we were driving down our lane - crossing our path was a Peacock. We assume he comes from the wild life park - which is just at the end of the lane - before you come to the main road.
He is just so lovely - Tall and regal - and so colourful.
Just hope he do'es not wander out onto the main road, which is busy, with traffic going to Norwich and Fakenham.
Will try and take pic of him next time we see him. If of coarse we do see him again.
Had to go for my flu injection this morning - Ouch - Seriously though, it didn't hurt at all - I was waiting for - breath held - waiting....For the pain...which didn't come - Nurse just said well thats done for another year - and was out - back in the car and back home in 20 minutes.
Have a good day - Ally
I was asked a question the other day - via my Journal - it went something like this....If I had been evacuated - and had every material thing I would need - what would be the three personal items sentimel or otherwise would I want to take with me:
My Answers were :-
1) The letters my Mum left for us and found after she died
2) My Dads ring - I bought him for his 70th Birthday
3) My Hubbys watch which still ticks even after two and a half years after he died
Makes me feel he is still with me.....
Following is poem Mum Left :
Think of me at night when sleep is near, and I who loved you am so far away.
Think of me then, and I will come to you, Nor leave you until night turns to day.
Stretch forth thy hand, and through the depth of dark - another hand shall touch your fingertips.
And as of old my voice shall breath your name and press a kiss upon your sleeping lips.
I wonder what things you would take with you ?....Ally
We have decided to make some Sloe Gin - So off we go in the field which is next door to our bungalow, as we know there are some sloe bushes in the hedgerow and as little traffic pass by - So they should be OK to eat. or even drink in this instance.
the odd tractor - Families riding by on their horses Mums Dads and their children (why this made me smile I really dont know - young man came riding by on a beautiful Black horse - and he was using his Mobile phone )- I wanted to tell him it was against the law to use that when driving - but didn't know if he was driving or riding...Is there a difference ? Just seemed funny seeing him on the phone.
Anyway, I didnt realise sloe bushes have such sharp thorns. "Ouch Oh Ouch".We wanted a pound in weight for this recipe we found - and it takes quite a few sloes to make a pound. We did eventually find a bush that had quite a lot on it. So we gathered as .many as we could - took them home and weighed them - just under a pound, so back to the field to gather a few more. Put them with the others on the scales - exactly a pound.
Now Demijohn at the ready - Sloes washed - Sugar and 1 bottle of gin added, then Lyn tells me that the Sloes had to be pierced before they went in - and guess who got this job, yes you are right me. Now bear in mind that sloes are much the same size as peas -
So armed with a fork and a dish - I started my task. One, two, three, I gave up counting after 50. and as I pierced each one I added it to the Sugar and gin, by the time I finished I actually had cramp in my fingers.
I have never tasted Sloe Gin - but I'm hoping it will be delicious, if only for the work I did on them Sloes...Ally
Visit to Vets went OK Nin went in first and he was in there for a long time - half of which was waiting ...he does have a few problems which the vet is trying to sort out.. I sat in the car with Barney.
He did is usual 40 laps around his cage, a bark here a whine there. a wimper. then he settled down - for at least a minute. He greeted every car that arrived, barked as is his wont, didn't get any return greetings though.
Most of the dogs that arrived were puppies. The odd cat or two. Some chappie came out of the surgery with a small gift my first though was "wonder what he's got in there" Settled that it must be a prescription bag - was to small for a pet.
It amazing what you see sitting in a car outside a vets surgery.
Back to Barney - He's an odd little character he has what I call - Postmans Run - Cats Run - And The Hoover.
Postmans run - he hears the postmans van long before we do, he runs from room to room looking out of the window - when the van eventually arrives at our drive - it's upstairs he goes - he must get a better view from the upstairs windows. we had to put a letter box at the front of our drive, as when the postie put the letters through our letter box, they would be shredded if we didn't get there first. and he is much faster than us. once the van drives off - because Barney has got rid of him he settles down.
Next is the cats Run - Just about the same as the Postmans run - but just confined to the back of the house. How he knows the cat is out there is beyond us.
Next but no means last is the hoover - where-ever you are in the house, just touch a Hoover, you don't need to move it - He's there, ready for battle - the Hoover Monster who dares to enter our house is fair game to him - we now find putting him in the car outside is much easier for us to work.
Back to the vet. Lyn brought Nin out and took Barney in - he wasn't in there for 10 minutes. Lyn came out looking Harassed - Barney looking very pleased with himself. He hasn't got to go again vet very pleased with him - so alls well. Ally
What a week we have had- last Wednesday we had to take Nin to the vets as he had been out of sorts. So we put the boys in cages in the car. and off we went.
We arrived at the vets and Lyn took Nin in - well Barney could not understand what he had done to be left in the car. So he howled - tried to dig his way out of his cage - did a dozen circles - then he noticed a dog sitting very peacefully in the car next to us.
So he decided to bark at it...Well he returned Barney's with the loudest Bark I have heard followed by a howl - Barney sat down and was quite for at least 5 minutes -
I was glad when Lyn came out prescription in hand and we went home.
Well tonight Saturday Barney was in pain and couldn't sit down and after lyn felt all around found his gland on his butt was very swoolen - rang the vet - Said they would see him as he was in pain so off Lyn has taken him - quite a drive away from our usual Vets Surgery.
Well Nin couldn't understand why he couldn't go. and sat near the door and Howled - keeps coming back to me then returning to the door - poor love - they do hate to be apart. Lyn has been gone nearly an hour and a half and Nin is now sitting near the door waiting for him to return...Hurry home Lyn - then Nin will settle down for the night....And so can I - Ally
This a picture of "Blue" my grandsons dog (one Blue eye) hence the name..
Our kitchen was invaded by one small mouse - we knew we had one at least - because it left a trail behind it - chewed packets of biscuits - well anything it could get it's teeth into - it had a go at. and he had to go.
And we never did find out how he managed to get into so many cupboards.
So mouse trap was bought. and as we had a big walk in pantry that was where we decided to put it.
This was a Sunday and Dick my husband set the mousetrap - we put a piece of chocolate in for bait. being told this was better than cheese.
Well off Dick went fishing - which was his regular Sunday pass time - as he belonged to a fishing club....but that's another story. back to our mouse. It was getting quite late in the afternoon and I was sitting in the lounge very peaceful and very quite. When I heard a Click - didn't register what it was at first. Then it dawned on me omg the mouse trap - going very gingerly into the pantry first thing I saw was this tiny mouse with the longest tail I have seen - trouble was the very end of his tail was caught in the trap - otherwise he was unharmed. He looked as scared of me as I was of him. but I couldn't leave it there - could I. So I went and got a towel and put it over him (I say him) not sure if it wasn't a her. and took him into the garden gently putting him on the ground managed to release his tail. he sat there for what seemed ages taking his tail in his front paws and rubbing them up and down his tail. I expect that was to ease the pain. you can tell how small he was as the wind blew a leaf from the pear tree and it covered him. I thought please go away - don't just sit there - but he did for another 5 minutes - then he scurried off.. I won't tell you what Dick said when he got home - but knowing him as I did I am sure he would have done the same thing.. Funnily he didn't come back to our house. cant understand why....Ally