Sunday, 30 July 2006

visitors have all left


All of our company has now departed ~ seems very quite with them not here anymore ~ Now Lyn can sit down and have a rest as she did all the work looking after them ~ at one point during the week there were eleven of us here ~ I really enjoyed that ~

I just love the new age fathers who help with all the chores of looking after a young child ~ when Leo has his bath both mum and dad are there looking after and playing with him ~ and they give each other time for themselves ~ which I thought was lovely ~ Anna did say she wished babies came with instructions as she don't know if she is doing everything right ~ but by the look of Leo I would say she has it just perfect ~

It was Abbie's birthday yesterday ~ and Lyn went to see her to give her cards and a pressie ~

This is a short entry ~ but I have been cut off and lost the photo's twice and I really don't want to edit them all again ~

Tuesday, 25 July 2006

dealing with the hot weather from a dogs point of view

Just wanted you to see how hard Barney and Nin are working in this heat ~ I am sure they put the rest of us to shame ~

The thistle grew so quickly and is covered in blossom and seems to attract the Bees so we are leaving it there for the time being ~

We have company for a few days Anna ~ Rob and Leo have come to stay and Leo has grown so much since we last saw him and is nearly walking on his own ~ just a help in hand from his Daddy ~

I just love this weather we are having at the moment it seems the Sun is here to stay for a few days enjoy it while we can ~


Do you remember when it was cold and snowing just thought you would like a reminder ~


Saturday, 22 July 2006

1st year

Today 1 year ago I started my journal ~ never thought at the time how addictive this was going to be ~ but it is part of my daily life now ~ Although I don't do an entry every day I always like to comment on the journals that I read  daily ~

I just wanted to thank all of you who read and comment and to tell you how much I appreciate you dropping by ~

Also Linda in Sunny Washington Thank you for my post card which I received yesterday of "Old Tacoma" and I agree the old buildings are beautiful ~

It is still Hot and Humid here although the sky today is quite cloudy and last night there was a lot of lightening and thunder ~ but I didn't see any rain ~

The picture's are of Horse Trials that took place in the field at the end of our lane ~ They were using several of the fields do do different  trials in ~ I don't understand the rules for this ~ but just love to watch the horses and their riders ~



Saturday, 15 July 2006

See how your greenhouse grows

Wednesday I visited my Sister Joy and spent the whole day with her ~ we channel hopped on the TV and couldn't find much that we wanted to watch ~ we did find the discovery channel and learnt how they came to make crisps ~ No honestly it really was interesting lol !!! ~


We did have a nice day though we had Scampi and Chips for lunch and they were lovely ~

Driving home was a nightmare as there was so much traffic on the roads ~ I was glad when I left Norwich behind me and hit the country roads ~ I think I got caught up in  leaving off time as most of Norwich were on the Roads ~

My Nephew and his wife bought me a plant for my Birthday so that will go in the garden next to the plant they bought me last year ~ they are both keen gardeners and went to a lot of trouble to get me a plant they both knew I had wanted for a long time ~ when and if it blossoms this year I will take a picture of it ~


We went to Sheringham Friday ~Dropped off paper work at the accountants ~ but it was so crowded with tourists ~ cars and Coaches we took a shortcut out of town and headed home ~

Tonight Lyn is off to a reunion with some of her school friends ~ one of the girls is over from Australia ~ so quite a few of them are meeting at one of their houses ~ to talk about school days and all the things they got up to in those days ~



Tuesday, 11 July 2006

Thank You

Have had a busy day today but just had to say thankyou to you all for your good Birthday wishes

Lyn took me out to Dinner and we had a really nice day ~ Tom  ~ Cress and the children have just left 

Wanted to say Thankyou to Jan  and to everyone else who commented  Sandra ~ Jean ~ Joan ~Joan ~ Zoe ~ you really made my day ~ Thankyou ~


Saturday, 8 July 2006


OK I know he is just a wild creature but I have become very attached to him since he decided to make his home in our garden ~ I learnt how he came to take refuge here ~ there was a big truck coming along the lane I live in so big that any cars coming along had to back up to let it through ~ there were several little rabbits scurrying in front of it and hoppity jumped up on our front lawn and went through the gate to the back garden ~ where I am sure he has made himself a burrow where he hides when Nin and Barney are in the garden ~ I find myself looking out into the back garden and have got used to him being in the middle of the lawn first thing in the morning ~and if he is not there I keep watching until I do see him ~ there is only one thing I hope he dosn't decide to bring a mate here with him ~ I don't think I could cope with anymore wild creatures in the garden ~

And no Stuart you can't have him for a Rabbit Stew now he is nice and plump ~

Tuesday, 4 July 2006

4th July and Sammy



Happy 4th July to all our American friends ~

Hasn't the weather been wonderful just to look out the window and see the sky so blue and the Sun shining makes this world a different place ~

Sammy my Great grand son was told he could play football again after getting over his appendix operation ~ no matches were immediately planned but they did have the World Cup to watch ~ which both Jake and Sammy enjoyed ~ both were disappointed when we were knocked out ~

Last Sunday a tournament was being played between the different teams in the area  ~ Sammy's Team was included in the matches ~  and while Sammy went to save a goal the ball hit his wrist knocking it against the cross bar and bending it back ~

Thus ending up with Sammy having to go to the Hospital for an xray which showed  that he had broken his wrist ~ It was his right wrist and today he had the cast put in place ~ he is left handed so after leaving the hospital he went back to school ~ now his playing days are over once again for a time ~ But knowing Sammy he will be back as soon as he can ~ until then he will just have to cheer his team on ~



Saturday, 1 July 2006


Our resident Rabbit (Hoppity) is Lucky to be alive as Barney chased him  round the garden a few times but Luckily he hopped out of the way ~ and went missing for a few days ~ but looking out of the window this morning I see he is back eating the clover from the lawn ~

The pill that upset me I did stop taking it ~ and phoned the Doctors Surgery ~ but as my Doctor was away and would not be back until next Monday the receptionist is going to explain it all to him ~ so I may get a call from him ~

Anyway I am feeling OK and back to normal ~ and as the weather has been so nice have spent quite a lot of time in the garden ~ did go into Norwich a couple of times to visit my Sister Joy ~ and do a bit of shopping and a visit to Norwich Market Place which has had a total revamp ~ It looks very nice now but miss the old style stalls ~

I did watch most of the England football match today and was sorry they lost on Goals ~ shame Rooney got sent off ~ but you just cannot argue with a referee ~ it usually ends with being sent off ~

With all the problems we have been experiencing with AOL just lately it has been hard if not impossible to access Journals but I have done my best to comment on all that I have read ~ when someone has taken the trouble to make an entry I do like to be able to leave a comment ~ hope aol get all their problems sorted out ~