Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Snow and Sunshine


Our Garden looked like a Winter Wonderland just over a week ago ~ yet yesterday I sat out there and it was Sunny and warm ~ 

Henry as we have named our Pheasant spends a great deal of time at the bird feeder ~ well after all he is a bird so I suppose he has every right ~

Barney spotted him the other day and made chase but Henry managed to clear the fence before Barney could grab him ~

Last Saturday we went to the Spring Bazaar at the school room in the village ~ Lyn and I always enjoy these events ~ they have a cake stall and sell lots of odds and ends and Books of all sorts ~ and have raffles

Lyn bought lots of books about 20 in all ~ I bought a pretty little cup and saucer for Abbie and some little bits and pieces for the children ~ we also bought some raffle tickets but did not think we had won anything ~ until today ~

We were just leaving the house to go to Aylsham when this lady approached our back door ~ she didn't notice us in the car but I called out to her and she turned round and brought over these raffle prizes we had won ~ me a bottle of red wine from Australia and Lyn a Boots gift pack of all lavender products which was a nice surprise ~

The School room is so tiny ~ I always imagine what it must have been like to attend School there way back when ~ this is such a tiny village but I am sure those children must have had a wonderful education in that little school house ~ and I hope lots of fun ~


Anonymous said...

I know you have your share of stress, but it sure seems like you live such a sweet and chaming life over there!  I'm glad you find all this happy stuff!!


Anonymous said...

Henry is a handsome chap - they always seem to know when the shooting season is over, and stalk about in a very laid-back way.
Good to hear you two are out and about once more.
Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally, It seems the weather is the same all over.  Yesterday I woke up to sunshine and then when I went to my friend's house, I got caught in a hail storm.  And I understand there was hail and snow just north of us.  Today is another sunny day but not very warm.  About 43 degrees at noon. I just keep thinking warmer weather has to come soon.....it's a rule, right?   Have a wonderful Tuesday evening...Linda in Washington state  http://journals.aol.com/lsfp1960/LindasWorld/

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos Ally, our weather certainly is unpredictable!  We have collared doves in our garden too and Peter wants to make a dovecot for them, whether they'd go into it is another matter!  Love, Pat   http://journals.aol.co.uk/pm71blackfen/ramblings-from-pat/

Anonymous said...

very nice pictures. Congrats on winning. Don't think I have ever won anything.

Anonymous said...

lovely entry

Anonymous said...

Henry looks like a proud bird, very handsome. We have Peacocks that visit us, it was fine when there was one or two but now we have a whole gathering)gaggle)? of them so they picked my hubby's big red truck to sit upon, do their business etc...not making my better half happy at all. I love your pictures, I think here in the US you are not allowed to use an electric fence...I could be wrong. Glad that you and your daughter are up and about again...love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Its up and down with the weather here too, but we have no nice green grass yet.  A few more warm days and it'll look better, but the snow just all melted away a few days ago.  We had inches and inches of it so it took a long time to go.  Your country side looks beautiful.  Nice surprise that you won the raffle.  I love to go to things like that.  Happy Spring !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Henry looks vert tasty, he'll go very nicely with your bottle of red. ;O)

B. x

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed your entry Ally and your lovely pics. Have you drunk all that red wine yet? Laine xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally....we just arrived back home from a fourday weekend at Gatlinburg, Tennessee....the grands are on spring break...it is a nice diversion for them....it is a nice place to go...we had a lovely condo to stay in...and some other friends came and joined us for two days....lotsa fun and laughter....it was a nice get away....and now Mixon and I will leave tomorrow afternoon for Dallas Tx for about six days...then I am going to hibernate in my house for a while LOL....all your birds look so happy to have that bird feeder with the snow LOL...and that Barney....keeps those birds active and alert LOLOL....glad Lyn is able to get out and about and that you all had a nice surprise....take care now...God Bless...Ora of Kentucky

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice time you and Lyn had. I like Henry too. Paula

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the pictures.  What a difference each day brings in the way of weather.  The pheasant is such a beautiful bird, I'm glad Barney wasn't able to catch him.  Congratulations on winning the raffle prizes, it must have been a very pleasant surprise.  Glad you and Lyn are getting out and about again.  :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Ally!  What a pretty pheasant!  IT's amazing how different the weather can be from one day to the next!  How lucky that you won a few prizes in the raffle!  Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Well, Henry would certainly brighten my day!  What a handsome fellow he is.  I bet he has his courting plummage right now too!  Small festivals like that are the best, aren't they?  

Anonymous said...

We often hear different birds in our garden but we only ever see little sparrers.  Maybe a bird table is what's missing.  I do love it when you show us your photos.  I don't mind it snowing on our garden just now because it makes it look same as everyone else's!
love, Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

Loved the pics..what a contrast in the weather huh?
I remember Church bazaaars and such..fetes...miss that....
enjoy the warm sunshine on your face!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Ally. :) Wow, that is a fine looking pheasant you have there. I would love to see more of him if he sticks around. He is just beautiful! Snow...and now look..those pictures are wonderful of the daffodils coming up and everything is greening up so beautiful! Congrats on the raffle win. :) Love, Kelly

Anonymous said...

How changeable this weather is huh?  Sounds like a good time at the school hall.  20 books??  She must've got some bargins.  Glad Harry managed to escape in time before Barney got there.  Well done winning the raffle prizes



Anonymous said...

I love buying used books and such at sales!!! I love to read and will read anything! lol
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Well done in winning the raffle. It has ben nice here  too we managed lunch on the patio. Glad the weather is warming up for you to long may it continue as we will be down for our usual fortnight in four weeks.  Great to hear tha Lyn is managing to get out and about again. Keep well. Love joan.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your raffle win, glad to see Lynn is out and about, and she's got some reading to do, the weather is better but still a bit cold, I only ever see Pheasants in a field near Colchester Station never any closer though we did have a fox in the garden a few weeks ago.

Take care


Anonymous said...

It's good to be back reading your lovely journal Ally.I am just popping round to everyone to thank you all for your kind words whilst I have been abscent.I am not yet back to reading and commenting regular,but hope to be very soon.What lovely pictures you have here.Lets hope the sunshine isn't far away now.Know you have been in my thoughts and prayers and will be always.Until next time Ally Look after yourself.I hope Lynn is well and all the family too.Give big hugs to Nin and Barney who I so love and have missed.They make me smile.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear from you and pleased you and Lyn are getting out and about ,Pleased you won raffle prizes, nice surprise too ....love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

The first days of spring are always the best. henry looks like a beautiful friend to have around. but I suppose a hungry one at this time of year especially too. Your prizes sound great... and you both can share them. I hope we can get some sitting out weather soon. Our little flowers are coming up now so it shouldn't be too long

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your raffle winnings!!
and I'm glad your spring is on it's way and it brought Henry....
Have a great weekend!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

#6 and 7 were really beautiful, and "Henry" seems a character!  That raffle sounded really nice with Lyn, and you won too!  xoxo CATHY

Anonymous said...

Well done for winning on the raffle.

We had a male pheasant visitor a few weeks ago, I think he was very interested in my chickens but the soon saw him off!

We've been gardening in tee shirts today yet they say it will be snowing over the weekend, what is going on with our weather???

Linda xx


Anonymous said...

that pheasant is soo gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

isn't there a recipe called pheasant under glass? ~ just kidding ~ I've never had it ~ my John had to clean up leftovers outside this week from our Lil Miss White Cat ~ some kind of bird that didn't agree with her or us ~ blech

Anonymous said...

Hello Ally.... i love the snow scene in your back garden, and your very own Pheasent too...... i am impressed...lol.... don't the daffodils look pretty, my favourite time of year :o)
Luv Jaynee X

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Henry was too quick for Barney! He's gorgeous. Your garden looks so pretty in the snow, our blizzard has stopped for now ~ after five hours! Well done on winning those prizes. I love the smell of lavender. Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/

Anonymous said...

Hope you keep some warm weather there..have a good week!  TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

That pheasant is so pretty.  I'm hoping you're done with the snow by now.  We had an ice storm this afternoon.  It was just warm on Friday.  Love the last picture with the daffodils.  Ours are just blooming now.  Have a good week.  xx Chris

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally, nice photos and wonderful post.  Love going along with you on you adventures via you journal.   Your a great story teller.  I'm going to try and keep posting something everyday I can.  Thanks for stopping by.  

Many blessings to you,

Marlene - A Poet's Point Of View

Anonymous said...

I would have loved going to the Spring Bazaar with you.  I love things like that.  I agree, Henry, is a beautiful bird.  That's funny you would pick Henry as a name, we had a neighbor's cat, a while back who took to us.  He would come visit and stay overnight with us sometimes even.  My daughter dubbed him Henry.  He was gorgeous.  Sadly, he got run over by a car.  ::sniff::  You got snow?  I am sooooo
envious.  ;-)

I enjoyed the photos, especially that last one.

