Friday, 18 April 2008

this and that


Today Lyn and I both had a visit booked at the Dentist ~ neither of us wanted to go ~ BUT KNEW WE REALLY HAD TO ~ we did eventually manage to arrive before our appointed time and when the dentist had seen us both we were glad we had kept our appointment  ~ Lyn just had a scale and polish and I had one filling and a scale and polish ~ and do not have to go to see him for another nine months ~

The weather here has been very cold and lots of rain so have not been able to get out into the garden ~ and the grass on the lawn must be at least 4/5  inches tall  and really does need to be cut ~ so if anyone can spare the time would be glad of any help to get it cut :o)

Henry the Pheasant really has taken up residence in the garden and has brought his wife with him ~ which is a bit of a worry as Barney is very interested in finding out where he is ~ so we have to keep the Garden gate closed before we can let the boys into the Garden we do not want the Pheasant hurt in any way

Tom my Grandson celebrated his Birthday on the 13th April ~ we had eleven people round here ~ Nin and Barney were shut away for a while ~ but we let them come through later ~ we had a nice time and Tom loved his birthday cake ~ which Lyn had baked for him ~ so a nice time was had by all ~ 



Anonymous said...

Nin and Barney don't look too pleased about being confined to barracks.
Belated happy birthday to Tom. Glad you all had a good time.

B. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally....and Lyn too...LOL....I was wondering why Barney and Min were shut away....they didn't like it...I could tell LOL...your yard or garden is looking good...first snow....then flowers...and now your very own pheasant!!!????  .... WOW!!!  you little "school house" sounds just like a place I would enjoy to the fullest....glad you won a prize or two also....God Bless...hugs from KY....Ora

Anonymous said...

Well done for persisting with the dentists', never nice

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are well thanks for sharing your photo's and have a good weekend

Take care


Anonymous said...

Those two little rear ends say it all!  Poor deprived creatures, having a mum who won't let them out to play - LOL :) !  Looks to me as if your garden is lovely despite itself.
love, Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

We have violets too, they come up everywhere but they look so pretty when they flower. Later they take over like huge weeds.

I have to tell you, Henry is a Pheasant, not a Partridge, wouldn't want him to have  an idenitiy crisis!! LOL


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you survived the visit to the dentist and well done for going!  The pictures look great.  Those were some big snow flakes and I'm amazed at the beautiful flowers you found in the undergrowth so soon after the snowfall.  I'm glad Barney and Nin were able to join the party at the end and wish Tom a very Happy Birthday for me.  I would have loved to have been one of the elven to help celebrate.

Anonymous said...

I do hate going to the dentist and wish I could avoid it.  Our weather has finally gotten nice and warm for a few days.  So, now you have the partridge family in your garden?  Have a good weekend.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

did you notice the little ladybug in the violets? my yard is full of violets and I won't let my husband mow it until they are gone. He gets kinda upset with me. But they are so pretty! how lucky to have pheasants in your yard. I have only seen a pheasant one time.

Anonymous said...

Happy late birthday to Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are quite the lovely pair. That is the way I always feel about going to the dentist. When its over I'm so glad I did go and get it over with as  it is so important to do. Paula

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally, glad to hear your good report from the dentist.  We all hate to go, right?  This weather is horrible...on Friday (the 18th) it didn't get past 45 degrees and tonight it's down to 36 degrees.  We had several hail & sleet storms thru out the day.  And I hear on the news tonight, it's snowing heavily north of Seattle, they are predicting 7 inches tonight. I'm really getting anxious to get some planting done, but it's too cold out there.  Hopefully, we'll all have decent weather soon. Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Nice hearing from you Ally.  I enjoyed seeing all the pictures.  What a cute little wagon that is.  The violets are bursting out all over down here as well.  WE have a pair of crows that come and visit us every day to partake of the shelled peanuts Todd puts out for the squirrels.  It's really interesting to watch them.  I do love wildlife so.  Your pups are so cute.  I can imagine you get many lovely hours of joy from them!  

Anonymous said...

Oh a pheasant!  I am so jealous!  Lucky you!  And yes, your Barney looks quite keen!

Anonymous said...

I hope the Henrys stick around, although a lot of little Henrys might be too much for your doggies.
My dentist makes me laugh - until it comes to paying the bill!
Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear you weather is so bad ours is bright and sunny and has been most of the week but very cold easterly wind blowing all the time.  I hope you weather warms up before the beginning of May when we will be making our annual trip to your neck of the woods.    Love joan.

Anonymous said...

ugh the dentist ~ worst people on the earth lol.........The weather has been awful isn't it!!  Glad your grandson had a good birthday xx


Anonymous said...

my step-father's birthday
is April 13th, too
he's a huge Pink Panther fan
we gave him a vintage 1971
Pink Panther figure and
a new Pink Panther towel

Anonymous said...

  The dogs know somethings up...boy would they love to get into that garden...isn't nature minute snow covered and then lovely well...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Hope you and Lyn are both feeling a lot better now...Sounds like there is something in your garden that the pheasants must really like.   Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Ally.....gosh, when did Mr Henry get married ?     i think my lawn beats yours in the mowing may have to turn in into a wild meadow and er, why was there no pic of the lovely cake Lynn baked ?
Luv Jaynee X

Anonymous said...

MY brother's birthday is the sanme as Tom's ALLY!
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Lovely pitures Ally as always.Oh! how I have missed Nin and Barney.I just love those little dogs.Awwww locked away and cannot join in the party LOL!! Henry and his wife are new to me I must have missed them in your postings,during my abscence.Yes the snow did come down though ours were giant hailstones,which I enclosed a pic of in my latest posting.How lovely of Lyn to make Toms cake."Happy Belated Birthday" to young Tom.A teenager at last I bet he was saying LOL!!How is Lyn doing now?I do hope she has been well,and not bothered with that nasty pain?.Thankyou for showing Barney and Nin they are too cute LOL!!In my prayers all of you Ally Have a lovely Monday.So enjoyed the posting Ally.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally ,well done to you both for going to the dentist.Pete went last Tuesday for a filling and it costs a fortune .Your photos are lovely we had some of the lovely little violets until the grass was cut ,then they lost their heads !!!! Happy belated Birthday to Tom ..take care Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Just one short week ago we had snow coming down too and then this past weekend the temps really warmed up and it seemed like summer time.  It will be awhile yet before the warm weather really comes to stay, but I'm enjoying it while I can for sure.  I love the pictures of your Mr.Henry.  If there is a Mrs. too, then maybe there will be baby ones on the way soon.  You really will have a time with the dogs then.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

i would offer to come and  cut your grass  ally         but the  back   ooooh   wince  just   got  sooooo  bad        lol      get  what i got here            about  50 ruddy  rabbits           they  eating  the   grass           fine          as long as they dont find the flowers  lol    take care  love  mort xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Ugh the dentist!!!  Good to read your blog again. I feel I have been away for years! Birthday arty sounds fun! LOve Conniex

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you all had such a nice time at Tom's party.  May I wish him a Happy Belated Birthday?  It was gorgeous here today, has been the last few days.  Hope it holds out for the weekend.



Anonymous said...

Nin and Barney are great looking pups they look like a handful!  And Henry is still around? with a Mrs??  lol cute!  Great pix.  Tom's birthday was same as my brother's, glad Tom had a good time, make memories.  xoxo CATHY  

Anonymous said...

You could put a good caption to number 6 Ally, the boys are very inquisitive.  I love Lyns little wheelbarrow, it's so quaint :)

I'm hoping you've had all your mishaps with scolding and bumps, banks and've had a real job lot lately.  The pheasants are welcome visit though.  Nice to see them, I'd love that kind of visit. L.v.Rache

Anonymous said...

Ally, how many children do you have?  How many grandchildren do you have?  Just wondering. I feel like I should know but I don't remember, maybe it's in your profile, but if not. Email me with that info, ok?  We have just one son, who marriend at 44, and became a Dad at 45, and so we now have one grandchild as you probably know, Jack.  AKA Jonathan David (after my husband) Kenyon.  He will be 1 yr. old May 18.  We are going to that birthday party fir sure,  They also live in Iowa but it's 3 1/2 hours AT LEAST when I go with, as I have to get out to use the restroom. And I can't sti that long wthout moving, it makes me too sore and too stiff.  Gee turning 60 ia so much fun, NOT! Hugs, Merry

Anonymous said...

Oh do your desntists call it scaling there?  Or did you just say that?  Here it's called "cleaning" (but it IS really "scaling." & polishing.  I need to go I was due for a  check up in Apirl. As usual, I put off the dentist. I hate that!  I also have to have the annual physical & mammogram.  I did already have my blood work done, and they all came out pretty well. My bood pressure is high, but managed with BP medication. xoxo Merry

Anonymous said...

Glad the dentist went well....
and poor Nina and Barney missing all the activity....
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Henry....
Linda :)