Yesterday I celebrated my Birthday ~ I had a great day ~ starting off first thing in the morning when I opened the door to the little sitting room which is where my computer lives It was pretty well crammed with Balloons ~ :o)
On one chair there were some Birthday Presents ~ as you can probably see I got lots of things for the Birds~ Seed ~ peanuts ~ fat balls ~ as they know I love to feed them ~ and Russell made me a new Bird table which they took too at once ~ (The birds that is :o) and some DVD's ~
Lyn took me out for a Birthday Lunch and Tom joined us it was really lovely ~
and I just want to thank you for sending me Birthday Cards both through Snail Mail and e~mail ~ I was very touched at such thoughtfulness ~
The day before my birthday when I woke I realised I could not hear very well ~ when I put the TV on it was very odd as it was like listening through a tunnell ~ I rang the Nurse who when I went to see her she said both my ears needed syringing ~ I have never ever had any trouble with my hearing ~ I have to put this Olive Oil down both ears for a week ~ then she said next Wednesday she would give me my hearing back ~ Lyn and the receptionist were laughing as I couldn't hear what she was telling me ~ so she wrote me a note ~ and handed it to me ~
Went to see My Sister Joy this morning and she said she had noticed for a couple of weeks I didn't answer her when she spoke to me ~ (But she forgave me:o) being as I had not heard the questions ~
We hopefully are having a BBQ tomorrow if the weather holds out ~ and even a swim if it is warm enough ~ But if it is a nasty day will be having a Roast Sunday Dinner ~ there will be 12 of us ~ so that should be a fun day ~
happy birthday dear Ally. hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and the weather stays good for you.
luv Joanne
Oh Ally several days ago I saw in my birthday book your's was coming up and I intended to send you an e-mail. Darn I forgot anyway so now I will wish you a belated birthday. Paula
that looks like a wonderful birthday for you. Happy Birthday. (((((hugs)))))))
Cindy xoxo
Glad you had such a nice birthday and nice gifts too. I have a rug in my living room just like yours.... got mine on QVC :>) hope your hearing is better soon... don't get your ears wet if you go swimming though.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY!! <--shouting. ;O)
Hope the weather stays good for the barbie.
B. x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY <<yelling very loud>>
It's horrible when your ears go manky. Hope they get better soon.
What on earth are Nin and arney up to?
love, Angie, xx
.........that should say "Nin and Barney"! I can't type
Angie, xx
Well...I sure didn't know it was your birthday. If I'd have known...I'd have baked you a cake! So happy to hear that you had a good day. Birthday hugs from Linda & Gabi in Washington state
Oh happy birthday and many more. Sorry about your hearing, sometimes there is a blockage, it should clear up for you....take care, be well, love, Sandi
Happy Belated Birthday!!!! My hubby's was Thursday. You got some great gifts. Those are the kind os gifts that I LOVE too. I hope your hearing improves soon.
What a wonderful birthday you had!!!!
Enjoy the BBQ!!
Linda :)
Very Happy Belated Birthday wishes Ally! Sounds as if you had a lovely day and were treated very well!
Ally, I had not realised it was your Birthday. Belated Happy Birthday greetings. You had some great presents and how nice to have all the balloons. Hope you have a great day today either eating out of eating in.
happy birthday!!
i irrigate ears a lot at the clinic and the patients are so happy afterwards!!
have a good week!
A VERY Happy Belated Birthday to you Ally...look at all the nice presents and cards...wonderful. Hope that BBQ went well...hugs and love,
So sorry I did not know it was your birthday so i can wish you a very Happy birthday dear friend. Hope the weather co-operates and you get your barby. Love Joan.
happy birthday, my friend
here's lil b-day video for you
even though it's not mine
Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you........hope your meal went well and that it was a BBQ.............Eileen x
Hi Ally,
Just want to add my 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' to the others, even if it is belated. I enjoy reading your journal, especially your interesting pictures. Hope you had a great day.
Frances in Texas
Happy Birthday! I hope your Sunday was a nice one but either way I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Such a nice surprise to find all the ballons like that. 'On Ya' - ma
Hi Ally ,glad to hear you had a good birthday ,how nice to open the door to all the ballooons and presents ,you are a well loved person .Pete had to have his ear , syringed the other week ,he too had gone deaf!!! .I'm sure Joy would forgive you for not hearing her .Hope you got to have your BBQ ,it was sunny here Jeanxx
Happy, happy (belated) Birthday Ms. Ally!! It sounds like it was really nice...well, except for the hearing thing. I hope people sang very loudly to you! : )
I truly hope that by Wed, all is well with your hearing.
Oh! Dear Ally I am so angry I have missed your birthday,I in fact missed my DIL last month.What am I getting like knowone knows.I cannot see your pictures they will not show.I am getting the message try again later Grrrrrrrrrr AOL they make me so furious at times.On the other hand in your write up ,you do seem to have had a wonderful birthday and I am so happy you did too.You deserve to.So a very "Happy Belated Birthday" to you Ally and many more of them.Take Care God Bless Hugs to Barney and Nin. Kath astoriasand
What a lovely Birthday it seems you had!!! I hope you had a nice time as well. Seems many folks around here are having trouble with ther ears. Hope they get better soon.
Kara :)
Happy Birthday Ally albeit late. I like the pressie of the bird table. I imagine Nin and Barney did a little clearing up of the balloons....they're not easy to grab hold off, but fun to see them trying too :) You have a lovely birthday week. Rache
Wow! Your birthday sounds like Christmas! Mine is coming up on Saturday, and I don't expect I'll see as many gifts as you got. However, my sister did buy me something at the local department store today. It's a bird book that has a little doo-hickey attached to it that will play a recording of the song of the bird you're looking up. I will enjoy the heck out of it, I'm sure.
Happy Birthday, a few days late...!
Lisa :-]
A belated Happy Birthday Ally. :) I am sorry I missed this entry and was late wishing you happy birthday. It looks like you had a nice party! You know, someone needs to get a site together with birthdays on them for all us folks that journal on AOL. We should get an email reminder so we know whos birthday is coming up! BIG hug to you and glad your day was a great one! :) Love, Kelly
Goodness, Ally, happy belated birthday! I didn't get any alert for this entry. Sorry I missed it. LOL...those balloons are such pretty colors. Looks like you had a special day. I sure hope your hearing has come back or is at least getting better. xx Chris
Hello Ally - i am behind with my journal reading. A very happy happy birthday, loved all your pics and the cards are jus beautiful. You are obviously so loved and liked :o) I hope you were able to have the birthday barbeque..... can you hear me ?!?!?!? LOL......
Big Love, Jaynee X
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