Wednesday, 20 December 2006


Tom was woken up earlier the other morning by some weird sounds coming from downstairs ~ he wasn't sure what it was but as it continued he got up to go investigate ~ it turned out to be his tropical fish tank there was only a couple of inches of water left at the bottom ~ the rest had seeped out ~ he thought it had a leak so brought the fish round here to put into our tank until he investigated what was wrong with his ~

as you can see from the picture above among his fish were two underwater frogs (I had never seen these before ~ in fact I had never heard of them before) they are minute and facinating to watch ~ they search all over the tank  from the bottom among the rocks and then seem to float to the top ~ can you see him ?

This is the picture seen from my bedroom window the other morning the sun was so bright I couldn't look at it 
 but a beautiful sight to start off the day

Note the frost on the front lawn it has been like that for the last three or 4 days ~ and is very very cold ~ so I am off to put some more logs on the fire so it is lovely and cosy indoors ~

Thankyou Donna for my opening Graphic ~you can find Donna on my sidebar

Wednesday, 13 December 2006


Thankyou Donna for the above graphic

Twelve days to go


Lucky has made herself at home and loves getting into boxes ~ she now gets on well with Joy's other cats and everyone loves her she is such a cute little kitty ~ her favourite passtime at the moment is bringing leaves in from the garden and  she piles them up on the floor in front of Tim ~ on several occassions she has brought spiders in and drops them on the floor ~ just so long as she dosn't give them to me because they are still alive ~  


Lyn decorated our smaller Christmas tree and it looks very pretty ~ It lights up and changes colour ~ don't know if we are going to put the big one up this year ~


Still have a bit of Christmas shopping to do ~ yesterday we went and bought the Turkey ~ Ham ~ Beef and a Chicken ~ The Turkey was too big to go in our freezer so until we need it it is in Lyn's friends Chest Freezer ~ neither of us gave it a thought it might be too big ~



Thursday, 7 December 2006

visit to the Seaside


I think at long last I have managed to load some pictures ~ I may have won my battle with 'File Manager'

The Photo's are some taken last month ~ the weather was really horrible ~ the rain only eased off  for a short time ~

We didn't have any trouble finding a parking space though ~ as all the sensible people had stayed at home ~

Am now going to try and comment on some journals that I have not been able to ~ I have been able to read them OK  ~