Does anyone watch 'Dog Borstal' on TV ~ I found it most entertaining to see wayward dogs trained to become obedient pets ~
I thought perhaps Barney should spend a day or two there but decided to train him at home instead ~ for as you may all know he barks at the Postman ~ next door neighbours Cat and Dog ~ the Vacuum cleaner ~ and anyone else who dares to step on any piece of our driveway
First we tried the Water Pistol method ~ so started the Dyson which Barney immediately attacked so squirted him in the face with water this was supposed to stop him ~ But did it "No of course not" he thought it was a game which he happily joined in first attacking the Dyson then chasing the water ~ we ended up with a very wet carpet ~ but a very happy Barney ~
We then tried the pebbles in a plastic bottle ~ we could only find a rather large washing up liquid bottle ~ went in the garden and put quite a few pebbles in the bottom ~ went indoors and once again started the Dyson ~ Barney made his attack and I shook the bottle ~ WELL Barney jumped back quite a way and looked really scared (Poor little love I felt really sorry for him) but it did work ~ he warily followed the Dyson but I just shook the bottle again telling him NO and he backed off into the safety of his bed ~ we have been doing this now for a couple of weeks ~
It has now got to the stage we only have to tell him NO with no need to shake that bottle ~ this works with the postman and the other things as well our next door neighbour who can now walk past our house and Barney no longer barks ~ if he starts to run to the window I just hold the bottle for him to see and he backs off ~
So you can understand perhaps why I just loved that TV programme which by the way I came across accidentaly ~
I have watched that program a few times, and have enjoyed watching how they transform disobedient dogs to behave themselves again, glad that you found something to help you train Barney its surprising what little tips that you can pick up
take Lynne xx
I have watched that program a few times, and have enjoyed watching how they transform disobedient dogs to behave themselves again, glad that you found something to help you train Barney its surprising what little tips that you can pick up
take Lynne xx
Wow and it worked well done ,Ihope you are well hadnt seen you around was going to check on you lol ,take care ,dear friend ....Jan xx
thats excellent Ally. you will have to start a training school lol! love Joanne
That is so cool the that works...we don't get that show in the US...but there are many on TV like it. I may try the same drill with my 3 doggies...sounds like a winner to me!
Hugs and love...have a great day...
Well, I shall have to try the pebbles in the bottle because Jesse has always attacked the vacuum and now Jack has copied him. Never seen that programme. Had to laugh at the water pistol and how he thought it was a game because our two love playing water games.
LOL...good for you Ally! My Grizzly is a mixed lab and actually got kicked out of doggy school when he was a pup. He acts crazy and upsets all the other dogs. Now, he is a grumpy old man. One thing that did work...for some reason, he is terrified of the empty paper towel cardboard thing. I've never touched him with it but it scares the be Jesus out of him. I have to agree that I feel terrible shaking it at him. xx Chris
My Maxwell, a Shih Tzu, barks when someone comes to the door....and that is ok with with my hearing problem, I don't always hear things...but otherwise he just sorta yips and growls a bit whenever looking out the window and sees a squarrel or any other critter LOL...glad Barney pays you mind now...just goes to show...he is smarter than you thought....glad all worked out well for him and you...Hugs from KY...Ora
Funny about the water pistol! I can see you now, soaking the carpet and Barney enjoying the fun! I'm glad the bottle works, maybe you could collect the empty ones fill them with pebbles and sell them as doggy training devices! Lol! Katinka is scared of tea cups for reasons unknown to me! She'll sit on my lap but if I dare pick up my tea to drink that's it, she's gone! Jeannette xx
Pleased you managed to find a way to get Barney to behave himself.....even if you did end up with a wet carpet in the process!!
I have seen the programme an odd time....the transformation in some dogs is amazing.
Ains xxx
I think training a dog is probably as tiresome as training a child. But Barney sounds like a smart dog, so I think he'll do fine. Linda in WA
lol poor barney! great job in training him! i have to tell my mom about this method of training!
take care
yes we have the bottle as well
dumbo has got used to it though
Oh poor Barney... but he did a great job and learned his lesson well...
Have a great week!
Linda :)
Poor Barney, but he has learned his lesson well. I shall have to tell my next door neighbour about that trick with the pebbles, and hopefully it'll work on her Labrador cross, Jasper. How do you stop a dog howling as the phone rings?
Leigh :-)"
Good doggie. Hope you gave him a treat. Paula
I will have to try that method with my little dogs... they have been barking way too much lately. Thanks. Sandra
And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. ;O) B. x
Have never seen that programn Ally but glad it is helping Barney hope he is being rewarded too. Love Joan.
It's good that it worked. I had a Siberian once that scared everyone with his bark..and he was a pussycat really. Sandi
I found by accident a good way to clear the kitchen of my pets. Tear off a length of cooking foil. It works like magic.
Linda x.
My parents are using the bottle too Ally. They've put gravel in a large mouth wash bottle. It seems to work, but I wonder whether the dogs will become used to it in time? We'll have to wait and see.
Angie x
Hi Ally - i haven't seen that programme, but am glad you are trying out some of the tips on Barney.....he must feel better about it too.
Luv Jayne x
Hold it, hold it!!!!!!!!!! Is that why my mom had that jug full of pebbles?
:) I'm such a comedian, aren't I?
Can not argue with success, so congratulations on your Obedient Barney!
That is too cute. The rocks thing always worked for me but water... not all the time.
You ought to go into the dog-training business! Well done Allyx Love Connie
I have the exact same delima with Luke. I don't mind him barking when someone comes to the door but when I tell him to stop I want him to stop! That show sounds like one we have here called The Dog Whisper. I always love to watch that show as it is fascinating!
Kara :)
Well done in training Barney Ally ,so now you'll get the hoovering done in no time ......Love Jeanxx
Very good! Tammy
Brilliant !! I dont have a dog but the prog sounds interesting so I will watch it now out of curiousity. Love the graphic !! Eve PS wonder if that would work with unruly children ? lol
have a good week...
aw dear barney, he's so funny! laughed at the water is this your new career now Ally? lol lovely entry Linda xx
Well, I'm glad it's working. We have the opposite problem with our pup. She won't bark at all. I've only heard her bark once in 2 and half years. I wish she would warn us sometimes when people are at the door sometimes it's not so good. I hope you have a super fantastic weekend Ally! Big hugs and GBU, Shelly
Hey, Ally ... Hello, my friend. Glad to hear that you found this show, and that it's been of help to you, and Barney. I wish there was a show about making cats behave, although I know that cats just don't respond quite as well as dogs do. We have my daughter's cat here now, and although it is a pretty thing, it has a rather stubborn disposition ( like it's 'Mommy' did, when she was a teen ! lol ) . I need help ! Hope all is well, Tina
Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. I have enjoyed reading your blog as well. Love the tales (tails) of your cute little pooches. I have a dog as well and she goes mad when anyone knocks on the door and especially mad when the postman pushes mail through the post slot. I might try your method of fixing this! Have a great day!
I've never seen the 'Dog Borstal' opn TV. It must be just on the BBS which I don't get here in the US. It was fun reading how Barney thought the water pistol was a game and enjoyed it, LOL. I have never heard of the pebbles in a plastic bottle trick, but am impressed at the results. I hope you have a great weekend!
I have not heard of the pebble in the plastic container before and the more I think about it the more sence it makes.
I am pleased that things are working out with the dog obedience. I love dogs but, since my beloved Ben died, a few years ago, I cannot come to terms with the idea of a replacement for him.
By for now and please keep the wonderful jounals comming.
Hello again Ally, I`m glad the pebbles idea works well for you. Barney is a clever dog and he`s obviously learning from it. Keep up the good work! :o)
Sandra xxxx
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