Sunday, 8 October 2006

My visit to see Joy


I visited my Sister Joy yesterday ~ parked the car at the back entrance and undid the lock to the big gate ~ to the right of me is a Greenhouse ~ and to the left is a fancy brick wall ~

as I walked to the door I walked through a cobweb ~ as I entered the house trying to brush the web from my face I told Joy what I had done in case she wondered about the frantic antics I was doing ~

she said keep still you have the spider on the front of your jacket ~ in my panic to remove my jacket and the spider ~ the strap to my handbag got caught on my sleeve and the said jacket got stuck ~ but I had knocked the spider onto my leg ~

at this point my nephew entered the room and said "DONT PANIC"  "now would I panic" !!! it was after all only a spider ~ did I say only a spider it was huge and one of the horrible ones that seem to have two bodies and thick black hairy legs

~ Tim my nephew just brushed it on to his hand and took it outside ~ so there it is now trying to rebuild it's web that I so innocently demolished ~


Thank you Donna for the Web graphic ~ you can find Donna on my side bar ~


Anonymous said...

I hate spiders....I know that for the most part they are harmful, but I really dislike them immensely.  One has to admire their handiwork however, and there is nothing quite so beautiful as a spider's web...hanging between the branches in the garden...all bejeweled with crystals of dew...

Anonymous said...

Ally it always happen's to you. Lynn would be making a fortune if she took the camcorder out with her! love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Hello Ally,

I absolutely HATE spiders!  If my husband is in the house he'll gently remove it to the garden, I don't like to see them killed, BUT if I'm in the house on my own, it's them or me I'm afraid.  If it's a slow moving one then I get it on the broom and put it outside.  If it's in the lounge then I make sure the front door is open, if it's the dining room or kitchen I open the back doors first!  Now, the nasty part!  If it's one that looks like it's taking part in the Olympic games and runs fast, I run too!  Smaller ones I whack with my husband's shoe (not mine!) and bigger ones I don't like to get to close to.  Even writing about them gives me the creeps!

Anonymous said...

I bet the spider was more frightened than you Ally! I like spiders, I know that's weird but I think it's weird that so many people are terrified of even the littlest harmless ones. I'm glad Tim came to your rescue and I hope Joy made you a nice cup of tea to soothe your nerves! Have a lovely day. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

I dont mind spiders ,and havent there been alot this year ?I cant stand mice ,but you dont mind them ,have noticed before people ,people dont like one or the other ,Good for Tim ,helping you out ,hope you had a nice visit with Joy ,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm the spider remover in our house, Mike and Catherine are both terrified of them. Many's the time Catherine's ear splitting shrieks have brought me running from the garden. I'm not sure what she does now in Germany, now I can't hear her cries for help.

I wasn't so brave the other night when something was tickling my leg in bed and I knew it was on the wrong side to be Mike. lol. I switched on the lamp and there was a large spider on my leg! Eeeek!! That was a bit too up close and personal for my liking.


Anonymous said...

I admire your calmness in the face of such an adversary.  I'm glad your nephew came to your rescue.  I used to be deathly affraid of spiders, but, since I started working at the marina I have come to know them better.  My dock shack is home to quite a few and I find them peaceful little shack mates, LOL.  We have tried in the past to rid the shack of them, but even the professional pest company could do little to disloge them.  They don't bother me now, but I am sure it was a fright for you to have one suddenly on your leg.

Anonymous said...

I would not have been too bad about that but my scary cat hubby would have had a flookie as we say up here lol.  Have a peaceful Sunday and no spiders. LOve Joan.

Anonymous said...

I hate spiders and I would have been screaming if that had happened to me!!Love Conniex

Anonymous said...

What's named can be tamed.
That creepy crawly thing
on your chest won't bite
most likely. Last night a fat
spider spied me from its little
web above the shower head.
It squished quite easily even
though I was naked.

Nice recovery!
Soldier on!
(In Britain is Helen Mirren being feted?)
Main Entry: arach·nid
Function: noun
Pronunciation: &-'rak-n&d, -"nid
Etymology: New Latin Arachnida, from Greek arachne spider
: any of a class (Arachnida) of arthropods comprising chiefly terrestrial invertebrates, including the spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, and having a segmented body divided into two regions of which the anterior bears four pairs of legs but no antennae
- arachnid adjective

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhh I hate spiders... but since my son is deathly afraid of them I was always the one with calm reactions.  Seems these days I need someone like your nephew.

Anonymous said...

I have hunted animals for sport and for food. I have been in battle, men against men. When I see a spider I doff my hat politely and walk away. Alas, after four strides the walk has developed into a full blown gallop and I never know what has happened to the spider.  Halliday0957

Anonymous said...

Awww..I'm sure it knows you didn't mean to demolish it's was probably due for a renovation anyways....ya know, dust off the old cob webs and what god, I get worse! haha!

Lv Ste

Anonymous said...

Dear Ally..any and all creepy crawlies...spiders included are not a good thing....NEVER!!!    I would have been shucking of the clothes so fast LOL...and like your would be my grandson who would quietly saunter in and very quickly have the spider in his hand and talking to it as it was on it way out the never seem to amaze me LOL...glad all turned out ok and that you had a lovely visit...Hugs from KY....Ora

Anonymous said...

If it had thick hairy legs I probably would have been in a panic too. I'm usually not too afraid of spiders unless it is black widow or brown recluse. When we lived on one of the ranches for 14 months we had soooo many spiders in the farm house I gave up on trying to kill them all. Paula

Anonymous said...

I'm not too bad with spiders - small ones only mind. Reet doesn't mind what size they are, she'll pick 'em up and throw 'em outside. Mind you, she did once get bitten by one of the little ones and that put her off for a while. I thought she might develop spidery tendencies because of it but it didn't happen. Although she has me climbing the walls most of the time! ;O) B. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally,  I know what you mean about those horrible hairy spiders, there webs are so strong and sticky you can`t brush them off easily.  In the evenings when I got outside with the dogs I often walk into one and make all the frantic flapping movements that you described.  I just hope nobody is watching from their!  :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Strange thing aboust spiders and me: I don't fear them, and I like checking them in their fancy webs. I rarely kill them. But yet if I dream about one, I wake up with a shudder. Go figure, lol


Anonymous said...

Ewww I have goosebumps... lol... but glad he was returned to his home...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I would have taken care of that spider with the heel of my shoe.  Yikes...was your heart beating fast ?  Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Hello Ally - oh jeepers, i don't like spiders either and i will be sure to check where i am walking now i've heard your tale !!!!   You were a very brave girlie :o)
Luv Jayne x

Anonymous said...

Oh how I hate spiders......don't mind looking at them (preferably if they are dead), but hate them touching me!   Eileenx

Anonymous said...

oohh ick! i would have been screaming and taking off my jacket and i hate spiders!
take care

Anonymous said...

I general love spiders, but there is something about getting a stonking big one on you!  It sounded like the more you struggled, the worse it got for you!  


Anonymous said...

hi Ally...

i don't like spiders, i had one in my lounge yesyterday the size of the palm of my hand...made me cringe.


Anonymous said...

Oh I can take mice even rats, but don't  let me even see a spider!  I wrote about the encounter I had with one in my Japanese journal...everybody thought I was nuts I dove under a low eating table for protection and I was 8 months prego. My husband thought I had totally lost I do know how you feel...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Ally, my goodness, that is certainly a visit to remember. BF was fishing last week and got tangled in a spider's web.  He was totally freaked by it also so you're not the only one.  Hope today is a bit smoother for you.  xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

We get a lot of spiders at my house being the desert and all. Only we get Black Widows which are extremly poisionus so I do not like spiders!!!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

OMG Ally that is SUCH  a horror story! eeekk! Im shuddering, and the graphic!! yuk!! Linda xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Ally,  I know a lot of people a scared of spiders, but it wont hurt you, just look at the size of you to that incey wincey little spider, if we have any in our house its me that has to get rid of them, Hubby turns tail and runs, my daughter has a screaming fit, and the dogs try to eat them, I have to pick them up and put them outside, before I get any peace LOL
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I did not get an alert for this one.  Lovely graphic.  Talking of spiders, I was sitting on the bed yesterday doing out a drawer and felt something tickling, looking down it was a huge spider crawling over my bare leg.  Lucky I am not worried by them lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Ally sorry about the spider frightning you I don't have a fear of them,but hate mice and rats.Hope you had a nice visit with Joy is she scared of spiders too? lucky Tim was there.Have a nice week......Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Ally I would have done the same thing! I hate spiders!
Thanks for visiting my journal.
your friend, Liz in Virginia

Anonymous said...

I hate, hate, hate spiders!!! And any other bugs for that matter! I understand they are God's creatures also, and they are necessary for the environment, but I want no part of them. Yuk! :)

Well, aside from the bad spider experience, I hope you had a good time with your sister. Her house sounds incredible with the greenhouse, brick wall, and big gate.

Hugs, Mandy ~

Anonymous said...

EWWW....spiders just creep me out! lol  I'm glad you got around to visit your sister. : )  Lovely graphics.  Big hugs and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

I don't mind spiders as long as they stay in the garden or even in the bath but I don't like them using my legs for a runway - specially those like you describe.  I always think they appear to have 'barbs' at the ends of their legs.  That'll be their feet then! lol .  Angie, x

Anonymous said...

Ally .... I am the biggest baby when it comes to spiders.  At the end of the summer, when the orb spiders fill the trees here,  I take my walks armed with a stick, so that I can get to them before they can get on  me.  I look like a crazy woman, working my way up the parkway, waving a branch in front of me.  Oh, well, so be it.  I just never liked spiders.  On the other hand, I have picked more than one snake out of my garden, and placed it on the other side of the fence, so I guess I am not a  complete and total 'fraidy-cat.  Tina
p.s. .. hope you are enjoying your weekend !

Anonymous said...

I HATE spiders!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Ally, the only thing I hate more than a dentist is a spider!   (lol)   Jon


Anonymous said...

OMG! I would have been scared to death and acting like a raving maniac!!! lol It's weird, I like to see them on their web and see the webs in the morning sun, but I sure don't want one ON ME!!!! lol
I think you are very brave ALLY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh too funny, I loved how you told this story, I could visualize it so perfectly, could be that's how I act when I walk into one of those big wood spider webs and then wonder where in the world the spider is on get it off of me.

Marlene - A Poets Point Of View