Tuesday, 26 February 2008

This and That


Tomorrow Lyn goes to the Hospital for her pre assessment checkup and next Tuesday she will be in to have her operation ~ it seems an eternity since she got her date and I know she will be glad to get it behind her


Me I'm doing OK ~ glad Lyn let you know I had an accident ~ I havn't been able to type very much ~ certainly not as much as I would like ~ and havn't been able to drive so Tom has been driving my car rather than letting it stand idle ~ and he and Lyn take me anywhere I need to go~

As for the accident I went to see my Doctor and because the bruising was so bad he thought I had broken something and sent me off to the hospital ~ The Nurse at the surgery did attend to the cut on my arm ~ well I am glad to say I didn't break any bones ~ I bruised my shoulder and back and cut my arm ~ my right knee was black and blue ~ and I had a real good Black eye ~ which is now a nice shade of purple ~ the bruising is slowly fading ~ so hopefully it won't be too long before I am back driving ~ I certainly didn't feel ill through all of this just very very sore ~

At the hospital while waiting to see a Doctor this Big man came in with his wife and plonked himself down on the chair next to me he missed hitting my shoulder by inches ~ I think I would have hit him had he made contact with me :o)  well if I didn't I think Lyn would have ~



Thursday, 7 February 2008


Hello there ...this is Lyn , Allys daughter . I am just writing a short note to let you know that my mum had a really nasty fall and spend most of yesterday at Hospital being X Rayed. She has a lovely black eye an awful injury to her shoulder (hence l am writing this as she cannot move her right arm )also a badly cut wrist and a very swollen right knee....when she does something she makes a good job of it !!!!!! I am looking after her at the moment what with mum and her painkillers and me with mine we make a right pair. Anyway Mum will be reading your blogs but will not be able to comment for a few days.

Take Care



Friday, 1 February 2008

bits and pieces


I just had to pop in before the calendar shows March you know how quickly time flys by ~ it only seems like yesterday we were celebrating the New Year ~ and now it is the 1st of February ~

Lyn has her appointment for her surgery it is March 4th which is just a month away ~ she is living quite happily taking pethidine she say's it makes her feel like she dosn't have a care in the world ~ and it keeps the pain at bay ~

It is so unlike her so see her sitting still for more than 10 minutes at a time ~ BUT NICE TO SEE HER RELAXING FOR A CHANGE ~

Just looked outside the back door and it is snowing quite heavily

Joan (Joans musings) http://journals.aol.co.uk/jaymact1/JoansMusings/

we have a bird in the Garden and I have no idea what it is ~ we are trying to get a picture of it which if we do I will send it along to you ~ and hopefully you will be able to tell me what it is ~ just in case it is rare we will keep the location to ourselves as I don't want a lot of Bird watchers invading the Garden ~ but of course you will be welcome ~ LOL

Had to smile at a conversation I had with my youngest Grandaughter Abbie

Abbie:  How do you spell Althea

me:         a  l  t  h  e  a

Abbie:    That is one of my names

me:         Thats my name too ~ showing Abbie a gold name tag

                Dick had made for me a long time ago

Abbie:      How weird is that Nan no one else in my school has    

                 that for a name ~ isn't it odd that you and me have

                 the same name

I will leave it to her Mum and Dad to explain that one to her LOL ~