Wednesday, 31 October 2007

another update


Lyn has an appointment to see the consultant in December ~ and hopefully won't have to wait too long after that ~ We can only wait and hope

At least she isn't in constant pain and has some pethidine the Doctor gave her just in case she needs them

I cannot resist the Cocolate Factory and have lots of goodies if anyone calls this Halloween~ last year we only had one little visitor and he went away laden with goodies

Isn't "Pudding Pie Alley" a lovely name for a little tucked away passageway  ~

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Third attempt ~ Update



Lyn went to Cromer Hospital on Monday and had her scan ~ they found she has Gall Stones ~ the consultant told her they will have to be removed ~

She had been home for a couple of hours and her Doctor telephoned saying the Hospital had contacted him and he would be making arrangements for her to go into hospital ~ how and when that will be is anyones guess ~ I hope it won't be too long but you can never tell ~

I am trying to catch up ~ but time is going faster than I can run ~ I have been very remiss with my blog entries but hope to be able to get back in the swing of it soon ~

My week spent with my Sister Joy was just great ~ it was lovely being able to spend time together ~

I looked after her cats as well of which she has four ~ feeding time was just great they each have a different coloured feeding bowl and they know which one is their own ~ there is Lucky ~ Dennis ~ Snuggles and Bubbles ~ Bubbles had a stroke a while back and is a bit vacant at times but he still knows which feeding bowl is his ~ someone told me cats don't see colour ~ but I have my doubts about that !!!!!

The picture of the little black kitten is an ornament Tim brought back for me from Italy it is made of fur and is so realistic I even gave him a name "Midnight" and he has these little bright shiny green eyes :o) ~ they said they saw him and he reminded them of Me :o)



Monday, 8 October 2007

Just a short entry to say I am back home ~ had a wonderful week with my Sister ~ have a bit of a crisis here at the moment as Lyn has been diagnosed with Kidney Stones and is in a great deal of pain ~ waiting to hear from her Doctor as to the next move re: Admittance to hospital ~ so if I don't make an entry for a few days please forgive me ~ will be back as and when I can

Althea aka Ally