Last Saturday I got a lift into Norwich leaving the car at home ~ It is always difficult to park there ~ so thought this was a good idea to have a nice shopping spree ~ I was dropped off at the Norwich Market Place
Just crossed the road to the building society to get some cash ~ Oh my gosh was it cold and to put the tin lid on it was raining as well ~ I almost wished I was back home in the warm ~ I went into Marks & Spencers and it was so crowded ~ there was a Sale on and so many Racks of clothes "buy 2 get one free" it was difficult to manoeuver
~ so I headed for the nearest door out ~ made my way further up St Stephens and found the New Mall I had not been in here so thought it was about time I did ~ I went through the ground floor expecting to be able to get through to Chapel Field Gardens ~ now bear in mind I lived near Chapel Field before I got married ~ so knew the way well ~ or at least I thought I knew the way ~ but there was no exit so went into a book shop to ask directions ~ I did order a book while I was in there one I knew Lyn wanted called "Our Betty" by Elizabeth Smith ~ she is an actress who is in a programme called "The Royal Family" ~ on TV ~ anyway the young man who served me said if I went up the stairs just behind him and turned left and walk straight ahead it would bring me out to where I wanted to be ~ well I did this and came out somewhere ~ I knew not where ~ It was very unfamiliar to me so decided to make my way back to the entrance and take the way to my sister Joys "the way I knew"
I eventually arrived on Chapel Field Road and turned up the Road where the Norfolk and Norwich hospital used to be ~ but didn't know you could no longer get through there ~ so once again I backtracked back on to Chapel Field Road ~ It was still raining and really cold ~ and I was so cold and wet ~ No umbrella ~ I eventually arrived at Joy's and it was so nice to feel the warmth of the heaters and to take off my drenched coat ~ My Nephew Tim said he goes in the Mall quite often and still manages to get lost ~ that made me feel a bit better ~
Tom came and picked me up when I rang home it was quite nice to be driven back and forth but it would have been much better if the weather had been warm I found no fun in shopping in the cold and wet I didn't spend any money only on the book for Lyn and next time I take a trip into Norwich shall make sure I take my car